Hi from a sunny South Wales, UK
We've done quite a bit of garment decoration using printed transfer papers. The final product is okay but not what I'd call 'WoW'.
Whilst there are tranfer papers for printing to dark and coloured garments, in fact, one such paper is called 'WoW', there are several drawbacks:
1. The WoW papers are expensive
2. The process involves several stages
3. Limited to A4 or Letter size
I'd love to hear any commennts from anyone who's tried the Gerber textile foils and paper. In particular:
Do these work well with dark garments?
Is the graphics quality good?
Etc, etc
Many thanks
We've done quite a bit of garment decoration using printed transfer papers. The final product is okay but not what I'd call 'WoW'.
Whilst there are tranfer papers for printing to dark and coloured garments, in fact, one such paper is called 'WoW', there are several drawbacks:
1. The WoW papers are expensive
2. The process involves several stages
3. Limited to A4 or Letter size
I'd love to hear any commennts from anyone who's tried the Gerber textile foils and paper. In particular:
Do these work well with dark garments?
Is the graphics quality good?
Etc, etc
Many thanks