Thanks for the help. Unfortunately, while typing "wide format printer reviews" is a good start, after a month of sifting through all of it, I thought maybe a couple leads would be more productive at this time.
I see what you're saying, Jon. My whole point in doing this report is twofold. One, I'm trying to get everyone on board to the idea that creating our banners inhouse instead of subbing them out will benefit us (there's a long torrid story that involves an old Arizona printer there). Two, I'm trying to get past all the manufacturer's mumbo-jumbo and make some recommendations based on first-hand use. Because as they found out previously, had they talked to actual users instead of the manufacturer, they probably would've steered clear of that Arizona. I'm really not in a position to tell them what we should or should not use (even though I'll be the one ultimately using it), I'm just trying to say "Here are the options. These are the pros to Printer ___, and these are the cons to it."