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Grill King's crappy perf


New Member
It's not a franchise but yeah looks like they installed these themselves.
I just hope they flip burgers better than they apply window signs. Or use a tape measure. The design and print quality are actually pretty good.
I just don't look forward to seeing this crap every time I walk out the door.
Maybe I'm just too sensitive. Ha.

Yeah John it used to be that halal chicken joint. I guess they finally worked out not too many of our indigenous brothers are muslims..


New Member
It's not a franchise but yeah looks like they installed these themselves.
I just hope they flip burgers better than they apply window signs. Or use a tape measure. The design and print quality are actually pretty good.
I just don't look forward to seeing this crap every time I walk out the door.
Maybe I'm just too sensitive. Ha.

Yeah John it used to be that halal chicken joint. I guess they finally worked out not too many of our indigenous brothers are muslims..



New Member
it's not a franchise but yeah looks like they installed these themselves.
I just hope they flip burgers better than they apply window signs. Or use a tape measure. The design and print quality are actually pretty good.
I just don't look forward to seeing this crap every time i walk out the door.
Maybe i'm just too sensitive. Ha.

Yeah john it used to be that halal chicken joint. I guess they finally worked out not too many of our indigenous brothers are muslims..
