Bringing up an old thread, but since I'm in the same situation as the rest there is no point in starting a new thread about it.
So I got my GX-24 and my new PC delivered on the weekend, its a i7 processor running 64bit Windows 7 (ultimate), and when I connect the GX-24 to the computer with USB, nothing happens (no popup with new hardware found or any other action). I then tried to connect it to my small netbook PC with windows XP, and new driver/roland GX-24 popped up at once.
Did the plug and play work for you on Win7 64bit? Even if I install the drivers from the roland website (checked now, only beta versions available) the computer would have to recognise the hardware (gx-24) when you plug it into the usb/computer in order for it to work, or will that solve itself with the beta drivers installed?
Also, I have Flexistarter 8.6v2 to run all my cutting tasks from, I installed it and the program itself works fine. Do I need drivers for the GX-24 at all then? Or do I just use the cutting drivers in the Production Manager and I'm set?
Just asking in here before I do anything wrong, maybe I can get some help before the Roland dealer I got it from opens tomorrow (6PM in Norway now)

Hopefully they have got some answers, but no guarantee..