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Happy Birthday Tim (T3)

Tim Aucoin

New Member
Thanks for the Birthday wishes everyone!!
Jill... you are so right... 1962 produced some fabulous, wonderful, beautiful people!! :Big Laugh:loveya:


New Member
Happy Birthday Tim!!!

I'm going to tell everyone i know that it's your birthday and suggest they all give out candy to anyone who come to their door, in celebration. Since i only found out today about your birthday, it may take me a day to pull off this massive candy give-away... but i think by tomorrow evening my plan should be in full swing.... let the candy fest begin!

xoxo -gg

Tim Aucoin

New Member
Happy Birthday Tim!!!

I'm going to tell everyone i know that it's your birthday and suggest they all give out candy to anyone who come to their door, in celebration. Since i only found out today about your birthday, it may take me a day to pull off this massive candy give-away... but i think by tomorrow evening my plan should be in full swing.... let the candy fest begin!

xoxo -gg

GG... that's a fantastic idea, I hope it works out well! :rolleyes: Thanks GG and everyone else... you have all helped make this day that much more special! Know that I love you all!! :loveya:


New Member
Happy belated to a sweet guy! I haven't been around but saw this and had to take a second. Hope it was great!