What you might want to consider is how to address your customer and enlighten them on the difference between signs and brochures.
It's the same as the guy/gal that comes into the shop for a trade show sign for at the top of the booth and want their name, what they do, their phone number, laundry list website, and their kids middle initials.....
A sign is not a selling tool. It's to inform people who you are and where you are. Having a clock under your sign will help make it more noticeable, but won't sell anything for you.... same as listing every known item and possibility you do, unless you are a doctor vs. dentist. They both end in M.D.
If this guy is in a professional village and is the only Power Washer..... he only needs to point people to his name and they'll probably come in where he has brochures, samples, and business cards along with a salesperson to educate them on what they do and how well they can serve the person.
Anyone reading the Gettysburg address on a sign is gonna get tired of all that reading and probably forget what they were even reading it for.
For this reason, I hate doing parking lots signs. On them, cause everyone wants to post everything possible or against the law to do, just so it's in writing... one doesn't care if anyone reads it. It's posted so they can now ticket or have cars towed away. This is the same thinking behind putting all of this unnecessary information on a simple little sign.... no one will ever read it. Sure, it seems relevant to the customer, but the average potential customer isn't going to read every story book while walking down the pavement, let alone driving by at 35mph or more.