I've spent far too much time reading here, all of it more or less mostly useful, sometimes highly vauable, and occasionally priceless. And
I'm the one man production unit of a photographic centre in London. My work crosses between high end printing - photographic exhibitions for a few moderately reputable galleries, a fair amount of cut and contour cut vinyl ,work mounted to DiBond or AluminIum... down to the dirty sticking of precisely lined up and and carefully cut floors of gaffa tape, so we can make the building compliant.
So, hello, and be gentle ish
I've spent far too much time reading here, all of it more or less mostly useful, sometimes highly vauable, and occasionally priceless. And
I'm the one man production unit of a photographic centre in London. My work crosses between high end printing - photographic exhibitions for a few moderately reputable galleries, a fair amount of cut and contour cut vinyl ,work mounted to DiBond or AluminIum... down to the dirty sticking of precisely lined up and and carefully cut floors of gaffa tape, so we can make the building compliant.
So, hello, and be gentle ish