Unfortunately, it doesn't portray the HS product.
Now, if those guys were to use a specific name for their shutter product life
would be simpler.
There you could make two logos. One for the parent co. and one for the product, itself.
Envision if you can - a menacing cloud blowing toward a shutter with the
breeze (plus possible debris?) product being repelled. Toss in a few raindrops
and maybe a lightening bolt or two (to depict a storm) coupled with the shutter name.
That shows/states it all.
A tag line such as "a product of CFC Metals" at the very bottom could be added
that shows the name of the co. who makes them as that co. will be the
name in the phone book.
Encourage them to BRAND the shutter. Sell that brand. Sell, sell sell.
Who they really are isn't all the important. The shutter brand is the be all and end all in the marketplace.
Once you hit them with the approach they will think you a marketing genius.
Oh, and make sure no product ever leaves the factory w/o two stickers, which
you created and sold to them and they are firmly attached at two places
so they can be seen both in normal mode as well as in hurricane mode.