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Help with Versaworks


New Member
I am having problems with one file in versaworks I need help with. As you can see, I created a contour cut line around the image I am attempting to print/cut. For some reason versaworks is not recognizing the cut line. Every other file I have with cut lines it recognizes. I copy and paste this file into an existing file with cut lines, bring it into versaworks, and it wont recognize either cut line! I am at a loss with this. I even re-booted and it doesnt help. Anyone have a clue? I am attaching a pdf of the file. Everything in the file is correct just like every other file i have with cut lines...

Thank you for any help I can get!!!


New Member
You will need to tell us what program you are designing in. I am not a pro at this but you will need to import the Roland colour pallet into the program and use the colour that is designated in VersaWorks as the cut colour for your cut vector.

If you search YouTube there will be instructional vids there.


Active Member
Must be transparencies in the file. Save as PDF 1.3 press Quality. Get into the sub-menu and uncheck Convert Strokes to Outlines. Should be good to go. There are excellent Youtube vids dealing with this.


New Member
I am working in coreldraw x5. From everything I have tried, it is a problem with them image. I just took the cut line and exported it alone as a file. I imported it into versaworks and it read the cut line. I tried again with the image and the cut line, it wont recognize the cut line again. The image was created in illustrator (which I know nothing about). I tried to attach a pdf of it on the original post but I dont see it. i will try again.


  • Logo Cut1.pdf
    1.6 MB · Views: 165


New Member
Try making your image a jpeg on the base layer then put your countour line as a stroke on the second layer. I got it to work that way here.

I don't know much about corel, but the pdf you posted, your cutline is a solid. Switch it to a stroke line not a fill.
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Agreed, looks like your cut path is basically a ring shape made up of an inner and outer path. Remove one of the rings and just apply a stroke to it as mentioned in the above post. Good luck!


New Member
Your cut path was at some point converted to a filled shape. You need to have a single stroke with the CutContour swatch, but what you have is a compound object with a CutContour swatch fill. If the conversion took place in Corel, it should be easy to fix: simply delete one of the lines and remove the fill color and set the stroke color to the CutContour swatch. Sometimes, the conversion of strokes to filled outlines occurs on export to PDF or EPS. I haven't worked with Corel since the 90's, but in Illustrator there are settings that you can toggle on output to EPS that let you decide whether or not to convert strokes to outlines. This is usually only an issue when exporting mixed vector and raster content.


New Member
Make sure your CutContour is a single stroke and in the top layer and the name of the layer needs to be exact text and case as shown in BOLD!




New Member
Thanks for everyone's help. I did break it apart and see that it was two layers. I tried that and it didn't work either. I really think it has something to do with the art work. I added the artwork with cut line to another file and versaworks would not recognize either cut line. I took the original artwork and applied the cut line to it and versaworks recognized the cut line. Thats why I think it has something to do with the file.

Thanks again for everyone's advice and help with this problem!!!!


New Member
select everything except the cut line, flatten what you have selected then bring the cut line to the front and save an .eps and chose post script: language level 3...



the contour was converted to a shape and fill as a contourCut (can't be read as cutcontour)
just break apart and delete one of the lines
then put the "cutContour" stroke to the remaining line with no color as a fill

you have to export as an EPS
for whatever reason the PDF wont work
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New Member
Sometimes when I copy and paste the cutcontour does not carry over. You can see it, but I have to reclick on the cutcontour color.


New Member
Export it as an EPS, Versaworks has problems with several things in CDR and CutContours!

LOL I should have read the thread, several people have given you the answer. :thumb: