With the demise of the sewing table at my local Fellers I have been struggling with my one other source for banner hemming and was hoping someone had knowledge of another Seattle source that does wholesale hemming. I am a wholesale shop and the turn times that I get are ridiculous at best and impossible at worst - I would need someone that doesn't mind pretty short turn times. They would also need to have welding capabilities for the occasional two piece banner. We don't do great volume in hemmed banners anymore, we have started doing most taped, but our customer base has high expectations and they much prefer the hemmed if they can get it.
I would love to just buy a machine and do it in house but due to lack of space and staffing it's really not something that is feasible right now.
I would love to just buy a machine and do it in house but due to lack of space and staffing it's really not something that is feasible right now.