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here are some business card fronts for you to unleash your wrath on


New Member
go ahead let me hear what you got, so i can hopefully end up with something really good in the end. just a few I threw together tonight. Thanks for anyones help and thanks for any criticism as well.


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    business card 4a.jpg
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  • business card a .jpg
    business card a .jpg
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New Member

I'm not an "artist" but I can provide technical criticism;

The 2 lines on angles, aren't tilted at the same angle. Kerning in "works" is off. There's also a lack of contrast and nothing is very clear, even your company name - despite it being 80% of the occupied area.


New Member
agreed with all your points, except I believe the text is parallel but the A makes and optical illusion that they are not. I will work on the kerning and I agree that the name doesn't pop enough, not sure how to fix that off the top of my head. Thanks for the criticism! I definitely don't love any of these but thought I might as well start somewhere to get other peoples info.

Dave Drane

New Member
just a few I threw together tonight. Thanks for anyones help and thanks for any criticism as well.
Thrown together?? Back to the drawing board right now. They are all shocking.

Locals Find!

New Member
I showed this to my wife and she said, "WTF is that?" She is no designer, she is the type of person you wanna market too. The average uninformed consumer who wants their vehicle to look nice.

If she didn't get it you really need to start over.


New Member
The only one with any potential is the first.
The colors clash on the others.
Why for the love of God and all mankind are you using Papyrus (stretched) on that thing?
I've been taught to use one display typeface and one plainer typeface.
Keep the fancy one for the name, lose the ghetto-looking one for the subcopy.
The reason that the name does not stand out is that you have red text with a black outline, they kind of create a visual blur due to lack of contrast.
The computery drop shadow only adds more confusion.
Try putting DESIGN WORKS in white lettering inside a black panel under the name.
Use a simpler more dignified font, to appeal to all sorts of clients.


New Member
i don't see any difference in the three..... changing the background color isn't doing anything, whats on top of the background is the first problem


New Member
thanks for all the posts and tips folks. No offense taken to any of it. Thanks for explaining why the name doesn't pop out Jill! Back to the drawing board. I will keep posting and I hope you all keep letting me know its weak points until I can get it right. Thanks again everyone!

Circleville Signs

New Member
RESIST the urge to use grungy typefaces. Unless of course, your target market is the rave crowd from 2000-2004. Also, stay away from Bleeding Cowboys. It was cool for about 10 minutes, 3 years ago.....


Roper of Goats. Old ones.
just playing with placement...I'll throw one out

Rule #7 - Do not ever stretch, compress, squeeze or yank Avant Garde. It is a geometrically designed font and any variation from its original form looks scribbly.

Rule #8 - Avoid using Avant Garde unless you have a very compelling reason for it -- which is almost never...


New Member
Here are some more designs. Are any of these getting better? I will be putting most the info on the back of the cards but want to get down a solid front first. Thanks again for the help folks!


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