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how can i make this bigger and not look like crap?

Don't see why you can't play with the kerning and tracking to bring it across the hood. If you interfere with the vent, just print the letter in that place on wrap material and cut out the vent area. It will still be readable. (Ok, my attachment is a bit ugly, but it shows my idea.) The customer wants his name big. Give him his name big. Customer happy. Collect money.

And then people find out where he went and you never get business again. Walk away I wouldn't put my name on that.


Attach a hinged sheet of diebond to both sides of the cab, cover with with vinyl, problem solved :thumb:


New Member
Attach a hinged sheet of diebond to both sides of the cab, cover with with vinyl, problem solved :thumb:

I have a customer who wants exactly what yours does.
Except they have heavy plant machinery.
I have moved him onto wrapping the counterweight rears of diggers but he too would like it bigger all the time.
And to be real honest some of these machines are very awkward and very difficult to wrap without distorting the print.
He also would love the image to be bigger than the given area.



New Member
We've have a car dealer here named Billy Fuccillo, I'll bet some of you have heard of him. His catch phrase is the using the word "H-U-G-E". He's annoying as hell but you know who it is as soon as you hear it or see it, maybe that's what this guy's trying to accomplish? When he says "You know I'm the owner?" what he's saying is, I get my way...all the time. I get the feeling there's no middle ground with him.


New Member
If I only did the jobs that met my sign aesthetic I'd have a pretty small customer base.

i will letter or decal what ever they want to pay for. i have been going through this for years and done trying to get them to do what looks good. just wanted some help on the lay out on this one.
not every job is going to be fun and your most artistic work have to pay the bills.


New Member
here is what i ended up with. not terrible but definitely not the best lay out.
didn't want to paint the vent and i told them not sure how long the vinyl will stay on there.


  • truck -1.jpg
    truck -1.jpg
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  • truck.jpg
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It could look a lot worse; I'd say you did pretty good considering what they asked for.


New Member
for what you had to work with, well done

hopefully you also got a signature stating the vent vinyl has no warranty and no coverage if it gets sucked into the motor


New Member
It turned out well given the circumstances.. very well done.

So I got mad inspired when I saw the actual vehicle and saw the application of the logo on the crane arm.. so I whipped this together. I imagine the cab in the future to be "Marjam Red" and their logo white.



  • MJsmall.png
    3.8 KB · Views: 149

signguy 55

New Member
I admire your bravery, not only to do the job but to post the pics. Looks like I need to rethink (1) dealing with customers who know more about signs than me and (2) everything I've tried to learned about design in 26 years. I guess I can cancel my subscription to SignCraft now.


Quit buggin' me
Could have been bigger!
If you loosened up the kerning a little you could have stretched it enough to wrap around to the front and have both sides meet in the middle of the grill......

If the customer is happy with the job then it's a win win.

wayne k
guam usa


Active Member
Could have been bigger!
If you loosened up the kerning a little you could have stretched it enough to wrap around to the front and have both sides meet in the middle of the grill......

If the customer is happy with the job then it's a win win.

wayne k
guam usa

and that is the bottom line, if they are happy, continue to use you for services/products and pay their bills on time then all is win


New Member
your customer has probably seen some vehicle wraps. Maybe on one of his competitors trucks so that's the look he's going for.


New Member
i agree with everything you all said and unfortunately the customer's response is usually "you know i am the owner right?" so i just do what he askes, it looks like crap and then i send out an invoice and then he sends a check so it's all good. i have no problem giving him what he wants. they had some brand new trucks last year i lettered them and he came back 6 months later said it wasn't big enough and i had to redo them. i removed the old lettering installed the new (and i was only able to make it about 8in longer and 2in higher so not much difference) he paid for the whole thing so no skin off my back. they give me a lot of work and they pay their bills so i don't really care. like you said just won't end up in your portfolio. the thing is sometimes i run in to stuff like this vent and draw a blank. he actually tried to get me to letter the front grill and the guy i deal with at the truck yard just told him NO you can't put anything on the front grill, it will screw up the air flow and possibly damage the truck.
The last one looks pretty great!


New Member
here is what i ended up with. not terrible but definitely not the best lay out.
didn't want to paint the vent and i told them not sure how long the vinyl will stay on there.

Reading through the entire thread and knowing the customer wanted it BIGGER, I think you did a GOOD job, you get an at-a-boy from me! :thumb:


For what it is that's about as good as it could have been done (short of painting the vents and filling the red into them a little more). Good job!


New Member
thanks. i offered to paint the vent and they even have a guy in the yard that does the painting for them on trucks and forklifts but they opted out. it seems they just want to get the logo on there as big as possible and get them on the road. (back out making money) and i did have a little more room, could have stretched it out but they have like a 11" x 8" oval w/ the truck number that goes on the front corner of the nose so i had to leave some space for that.
thanks for the help and advice