Man thats cold as F*%$, how do you live in that. I thought England was bad, always long for sunnier warmer climes, but almost T shirt here compared to that frosty climate.
Back home? Like I mentioned, the humidity had a lot to do with it, along with the wind. -20C was perfect play outside weather. -30C was unpleasant, but bearable with the right clothes, and usually the schools only closed if it hit -40. Well, busses we're called off, and if you lived nearby you could go, but it was generally seen as a snow-day, even though it was too cold to snow.
I remember one day where the air was still enough that I was able to walk home in a t-shirt in -15C. Not here in Ottawa though. Here, -10C will freeze your bloody fingers off for some reason.
Oh, not to mention that up North, snow pants were basic outdoor wear, not some specialized extreme sport garment that cost $200 like down here. Also, it was standard for every vehicle to come equipped with a block heater, so your car won't be dead when you try to start it in the morning. Since moving, most people I've spoken with didn't even know that was a thing.