Did we say that when you asked us how to wrap your hood a few months ago? I thought this was a community where we help people?...
We? Are you afflicted with a tapeworm or perhaps you're a prince?
Speak for yourself sport, others can speak for themselves as well. While you might view this as some sort of community of Samaritans, quivering to leap to the aid of some poor benighted specimen who asks a stupid question [yes Pollyanna, there are stupid questions], your view is not universally held. Others view these waters primarily as a source of entertainment, a secondary, or perhaps even tertiary, source of information.
Moreover, it would appear that whomever you've engaged to read these pages to you has been editorializing. I was contemplating putting a couple of precisely located panels on my hood, not wrapping it. Big difference, the operative words here being 'precisely located'. I inquired seeking comment on just which method might be considered by others to be the optimum choice, not how to do it. I know how to do it.
While you seem to consider it being a jerk, I gave sufficient information that would allow the original poster to figure out what it already should have known and thereby actually learn something rather that providing a recipe where seldom is anything learned.