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How Many will be Closing Shop for Veterans Day?

Locals Find!

New Member
I understand your point Pat, but it's really about paying a moment of silence, meditation or prayer for the many millions of comrades and friends that have now fallen in any war.... anywhere. It's a gesture known round the world. It's only an observance. There's nothing stopping you or anyone else from thanking these people throughout the year, much the same everyone says to promote good cheer year round instead of only at Christmas. Anytime I see a person in uniform, if I can get close to them I indeed thank them.

You're right.... these soldiers deserve a moment of our thoughts anytime, but this day/time is now reserved for them. While you or I might be having fun at a certain situation... they're out hearing bombs and screams of the wounded. We all bitch and gripe about customers, vendors, bad prints or too cold to lay down a graphic and say its too hard to do and don't do it.... and they do exactly what they are told....... even
if it puts their life in danger.

Yes, you can call Bullshit on it, but I call it patriotic gesture for our people in uniform all around the world protecting us so we can call it a BullShit Day.

I have to say Gino Veterans Day isn't so much about Remembrance of Fallen Comrades but, a Celebration of those who have served, and those who will serve.

The day was started as Armistice day when everyone agreed to lay down their Arms and stop fighting in WWI. It has grown into a celebration of Life since.

Memorial Day is the day when we remember and Salute our Fallen Comrades in Arms.

Just figure this point needed to be made clear as there is a general misunderstanding of the Holiday.


Go Bills!
in that context pat,

why have christmas? or celebrate your wedding anniversary? or for that matter why even have mondays, tuesdays, wednsdays or any day, every day should be the same we should be thankful for everything every day....

we are too busy to think about everything everyday.

one day to remember to be respectful is not bullshit....it was a dumb statement - it happens

Pat Whatley

New Member
Okay, the more I've thought about it "Bulls**t" was the wrong word to use there...and after reading everyone else's opinions I can admit I was wrong. While I still maintain that we shouldn't have to have a special day to thank veterans Darlak and Gino made me realize that we do have to. It made me see a different perspective on it....we should still be thankful everyday (or in love on Valentine's Day) but have a day set aside to show it on a grander scale (you can't really have parades everyday).

My bad, sorry if I offended, thanks for the education.
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New Member
Long live Veterans Day & Memorial Day!

It's a bullshit holiday just like Memorial Day

Hey Pat, you are some fine piece of work, saying what you did about Veterans Day, I am extremely offended that is referred to Veterans Day as a Bullshit Holiday!

The day you dropped out of the chute, Nov. 5, 1969, I was on a patrol in Vietnam near the Cambodian border, serving my country along with about 200,000 other American veterans in Vietnam that month. Our country has set aside one day out of the 365 days each year to honor the men & women who served, and that's Veterans Day, so unlike you, the millions of other Americans can show there respect and support to those of us who have served our country's call.

All veterans have served this country since the beginning, to preserve all of our FREEDOMS, that's why you have the freedom of speech to say the BS you have.

No, you don't have to honor the veterans on Veterans Day, or our fallen veterans on Memorial Day when the rest of the country does, you have that right, because thousands, and thousands of veterans have served and even given their lives, to give you the freedom to sit in you padded office chair in front of your computer and babble on about the Veterans Day being BS.

I have known many people in my life that were against the wars our country has been involved in, but this is the first time I ever heard of anyone knocking the one day a year our country can come together and honor those who sacrificed being away from their family and friends to provide the security to defend our nation.

The only bullshit day I can think of is Nov. 5, 1969!

Long live Veterans Day!

Long live Memorial Day!

God Bless America!


David Wright

New Member
Hey Pat, you are some fine piece of work, saying what you did about Veterans Day, I am extremely offended that is referred to Veterans Day as a Bullshit Holiday!

The day you dropped out of the chute, Nov. 5, 1969, I was on a patrol in Vietnam near the Cambodian border, serving my country along with about 200,000 other American veterans in Vietnam that month. Our country has set aside one day out of the 365 days each year to honor the men & women who served, and that's Veterans Day, so unlike you, the millions of other Americans can show there respect and support to those of us who have served our country's call.

All veterans have served this country since the beginning, to preserve all of our FREEDOMS, that's why you have the freedom of speech to say the BS you have.

No, you don't have to honor the veterans on Veterans Day, or our fallen veterans on Memorial Day when the rest of the country does, you have that right, because thousands, and thousands of veterans have served and even given their lives, to give you the freedom to sit in you padded office chair in front of your computer and babble on about the Veterans Day being BS.

I have known many people in my life that were against the wars our country has been involved in, but this is the first time I ever heard of anyone knocking the one day a year our country can come together and honor those who sacrificed being away from their family and friends to provide the security to defend our nation.

The only bullshit day I can think of is Nov. 5, 1969!

Long live Veterans Day!

Long live Memorial Day!

God Bless America!


Boy, you are a piece of work aren't you?

Steve C.

New Member
Okay, the more I've thought about it "Bulls**t" was the wrong word to use there...and after reading everyone else's opinions I can admit I was wrong. While I still maintain that we shouldn't have to have a special day to thank veterans Darlak and Gino made me realize that we do have to. It made me see a different perspective on it....we should still be thankful everyday (or in love on Valentine's Day) but have a day set aside to show it on a grander scale (you can't really have parades everyday).

My bad, sorry if I offended, thanks for the education.

Pat, folks, who have been around this site long enough, have a pretty good
feel for what kind of person you are. You're a good guy and most of us
realize it was a poor choice of words. I understand your point, just did'nt
get it across very well... apology accepted.


Premium Subscriber
Pat, I don't think an apology is needed for anyone. The mere fact that you are open-minded to possibly rethink your selection of words or just to consider it is more than enough. No one wants to shove their thoughts down another individuals throat, but at least listening to the others is a very nice feeling. :thankyou:

As Steve said.... pretty much everyone here knows you're a top notch act :ROFLMAO:


I think I understand your postilion, but you could also try to learn to listen better and reead a little further into what someone was trying to say.

He was by no means belittling anything, just a bad choice of words and he feels bad about it.

So let's all :toasting: and head into a nice weekend.

Again, to all the vets present, past and future...... thank you one and all... for a job well done. :wavingflag:


New Member
I think I understand your postilion, but you could also try to learn to listen better and reead a little further into what someone was trying to say.

He was by no means belittling anything, just a bad choice of words and he feels bad about it.

Gino, I did not see Pat's last post, (My bad, sorry if I offended, thanks for the education.) as I was busy writing my reply to his first post regarding Veterans Day as being BS, or I might have not posted my reply as strongly as I did. Being a Vietnam veteran, serving our country there for 18 months as a teenager, is a very deep subject for me and although most of the time I try and keep the past bottled up, when someone calls the day we honor those who served our country BS, I just couldn't sit back and say nothing, I guess it was my PTSD acting up again.

After I posted my comments, only then did I see and read Pat's last reply, that he re-thought what he had said and admitted he used the wrong word and offered his apology, and admitted he now has a different perspective on it.

I must also tell you guys that within minutes of my posting late last night, Pat sent me a very nice PM, clearing up the issue for me anyway: "I thank you for your service and I really am sorry that I didn't think my post through and choose my words a little more carefully." That makes him a stand-up guy in my book.

I haven't been a member here as long as you others, and the fact that you guys came to Pat's defense tells me he is a GOOD guy, and just made a mistake, using the wrong word.

I too apologize for my harsh words towards Pat, lets all go out and enjoy our FREEDOM this weekend!

And please remember to pray for the safe return of all the men and women who right now this minute are in foreign lands helping to defend the FREEDOM we take for granted each day.



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Stealth Ryder

New Member
Okay, the more I've thought about it "Bulls**t" was the wrong word to use there...and after reading everyone else's opinions I can admit I was wrong. While I still maintain that we shouldn't have to have a special day to thank veterans Darlak and Gino made me realize that we do have to. It made me see a different perspective on it....we should still be thankful everyday (or in love on Valentine's Day) but have a day set aside to show it on a grander scale (you can't really have parades everyday).

My bad, sorry if I offended, thanks for the education.

It takes a Real Stand-Up person to write something like this, you have my respect Sir... If I did not understand your original thoughts correctly I do apoligize and feel bad about my comment. It's a tricky subject with me as I have lost many brothers in arms all over this world and am now too old to help them anymore... I am sure many of us feel this way as well...
