Garbage in... garbage out.
The design/file/ability is what I believe is your bottom line.
The printer is gonna basically just put your know-how-file down on vinyl or banner material. What you are going to do with that vinyl afterwards is what will determine the printer you buy.
Here is the basic rule of thumb to ANY printer on the market.
The ink is first designed, whether it be designated for vinyl, plastics, glass or metal. Then the printer is built around the heads distributing that ink and controlling it onto various substrates.
Regardless of what you want the printer to look like, your file will determine how good it's gonna look if you choose the appropriate profiles for the machine you buy.
That's another reason, if you go to various printers for various needs, you might end up with some color shifting.
we cannot use the same profile for a file on Cor-X as we do printing to banner or acrylic. They all have their own needs.
Stick with subbing out for a while and make sure you give hard copies, so people know what you want as end results.