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How wind resistant are mesh banners?


New Member
We installed a 12'x5' banner, 18' high in a high wind area. The banner rips at the corners. We have replaced it 3 times. It has ripped again even though the last installation was 2 18oz banners sewn together with reinforced corners. The warranty period is over now so we don't have to replace it for free any more. The customer wants to know if there are other options. Their town will not allow a permenate sign.
I am wondering if to 2 mesh banners sewn together is an option.

I'm open to suggestions.


New Member
eh.... mesh banners generally only allow 30% airflow anyway, if you put 2 together, it kind of defeats the purpose. I know alot of people are against wind slits, but semi circle wind slits might be an option. Sounds like nothing you are going to do is really going to help though.


Making America great, one sign at a time.
tearing at the corners. huh? grab some polystyryene triangles at least 12-18 inches high. place double stick tape on it and use that as a hem with grommets through the banner. the grommet will pull on the poly, which has the load spread out to transfer the pull along the entire banner. while the mesh has less material in it, you are gonna need to not hang the banner by itself. run rope across top and bottom to where ever you are hooking that up to..


New Member
A hem with webbing in it and grommets every two feet would not do that. Install two cables and hang the banner between them, hooking it to every grommet across the top and bottom. Let me guess you just hung it by the four corner grommets?

Banner mis-installation is the cause of 90% of banner failures.

Pat Whatley

New Member
What Mosh said. Use webbing in the hems and NEVER tie a banner up by the corners. Tie your rope/cable between the two points then tie your banner to that. I'd use grommets every two feet and just zip tie it to the cable.

Another option, if you're having the webbing/hemming done have them extend the webbing from the corners and use that to connect between your poles.

Never had a failure doing it either way. Doesn't matter how many times I've told customers that they ALWAYS tie them up by the corners.


New Member
webbing, webbing, webbing.....

and a little common sense.

Ditto. We have had 12x12ft banners up on construction cranes, used "seatbelt" webbing and ran cables through all the grommets on the 4 sides so it wouldn't belly in the wind.

It's still a short life for a banner, the constant stretching of the fibres eventually degrades the vinyl.

I'm not a fan of windslits, it's just a weak spot for a tear to begin.