This morning while I was out my staff got a Maintenance message. It is asking us to check hoses and make sure door to used ink tank filter is closed.
I checked using the computer browser to the printer IP address and it shows the ink tank as 1/2 used.
Staff and now I have cleaned the last foot of the larger hose where it was black. There is no obstruction there.
My staff disconnected the blue end from the 2 hoses and also cleaned some whitish powder from the smaller hose. As the end of the smaller hose is sealed with a black cover I am wondering if anything was ruined by them removing the blue fitting both hoses were attached to.
I had not ordered the used ink kit tank as so many items have expiry dates so thought I was better to wait until it suggested ordering. Is it possible to run the unit with the used ink tank removed and into a container from which I can take for recycling, perhaps where we drop off latex paints?
Unit has also been turned off and unplugged in hopes message would disappear on reboot, but it is still there.
Does the maintenance tank include other items that need replacement as well.
Of course due to the promise of having the item printed today, the technicians that installed the unit are out on calls so I've had no response from my dealer and they as closest are still 300 miles away so any suggestions would be welcomed.
This morning while I was out my staff got a Maintenance message. It is asking us to check hoses and make sure door to used ink tank filter is closed.
I checked using the computer browser to the printer IP address and it shows the ink tank as 1/2 used.
Staff and now I have cleaned the last foot of the larger hose where it was black. There is no obstruction there.
My staff disconnected the blue end from the 2 hoses and also cleaned some whitish powder from the smaller hose. As the end of the smaller hose is sealed with a black cover I am wondering if anything was ruined by them removing the blue fitting both hoses were attached to.
I had not ordered the used ink kit tank as so many items have expiry dates so thought I was better to wait until it suggested ordering. Is it possible to run the unit with the used ink tank removed and into a container from which I can take for recycling, perhaps where we drop off latex paints?
Unit has also been turned off and unplugged in hopes message would disappear on reboot, but it is still there.
Does the maintenance tank include other items that need replacement as well.
Of course due to the promise of having the item printed today, the technicians that installed the unit are out on calls so I've had no response from my dealer and they as closest are still 300 miles away so any suggestions would be welcomed.