We've had the 700w for awhile.
We find it has less head rubs / crashes than the 500 does. We always use the edge guards though... Even though HP insists you don't have to. I don't see a reason not to, so why not be safe?
I hate not having a dancer bar on the take up. The first few weeks seeing the media jump every turn was scary .. but you get used to it, and it doesn't seem to be an issue.
We have no paneling issues or color issues, but then again we never did on the 560 either... So I can't say if it's better or not.
The heads are supposed to last longer.. so far our operators ruined 3 of them while learning the machine. But that's operator error... He's used to the 560, so he treats it like a 560...
White is slow. But this is our first white printer, so I can't say if it's slower than other white technologies. It does look great though, we've had one job so far in the past 6 months that used white... It's great to have because it doesn't use ink when not in use though.
The expected life time on white is scary though. No real worldmteat, but I guess we should do some and throw it outside and see.
It's a great printer, but yes it does feel rushed together. I'd still buy one... But I'd likely keep the extended warranty on it! (Like we plan on doing)