Hello there, I am trying to get my printer up and running. Little background I changed my magenta ink box out prob two weeks ago. Everything was running fine until about a week after. I started getting an error message saying my magenta printhead is empty. With a printhead error it won't allow you to print anything. So I started checking everything, I have checked the magenta ink lines, there is ink past both of the filters. I primed the ink pump and felt it running good. After that I saw it could be a bad thermistor, bought one of those and replaced it, making sure that the O-ring was installed correctly. I did notice a little ink in the reservoir when I did this. After this I figured it would work, I go to the fill printhead procedure, and it tells me again it can't fill the printhead. Specifically it tells me the magenta reservoir cannot be filled. At this point I'm not for sure what to do, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all