I'll Stick, Spray or Paint Anything!
I wanted to give a shoutout to a member on site here, who really pulled me out of a bind and enlightened me on the subject of the whole non tangible online website end of the industry. I've made a many a signs, stuck a many a vehicles, readied and coated out a many MDO 4x8's, and used many o' miles of vinyl and tape for digital printing and vinyl cut graphics. I've never really delved into the online advertising and/or webpages in my 30+ years of working professionally in this trade. I love this community of like minded individuals and their willingness to ask about, respond to, get off their chest client issues and many more forums and discussions that anyone can reference to on any aspect of our trade. So when I was pulling my hair out, webguru stepped up to the plate and smacked a grand slam for my team, me. And didn't require the multi million dollar salaries that goes with being the best of the best, (is to me!). Lol. He relieved me of my self induced stress from my predicament after speaking with him on several occasions about the issues I was having with online media. I offered monetary reimbursement for his time in explaining to me in layman's terms and spending his time breaking down with me on the issue I was having. He declined and said he was paying it forward. It's nice when someone does something for you free of charge, out of the kindness of heart. But it's most excellent and desirable when they open your eyes to the solution so you, yourself will know the next time. And sure enough, there's always a next time. It's not often you get a sense and feeling of trust and understanding with an individual whom you've not met in person. I know I also appreciate his patience and understanding with me right now. Thanks again. I Appreciate You.