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I just had to letter a vehicle in all Comic Sans


Active Member
Did the job make a nice profit? I've found I like to have lights, heat, and eat regular meals.

The goal is to make money not be the font nazi's.

Better yet since you find it so egregious just turn those jobs away.


New Member
I had to do an entire project in Papyrus one time. They requested it but I showed it to them in a different type style. They asked to see it in Papyrus as they had requested, so I quickly flipped it to Papyrus without adjusting anything to compensate the spacing.. they approved it. (several large decorative and information panels, acrylic on standoffs)

Lesson learned, just use whatever ****ty font the customer wants. They are paying the bill. Artistic integrity only matters if you're an artist. I'm a "designer".


New Member
lol - I feel your pain - I myself have done jobs similar in style - telling the customer in the process - I will do it - but don't tell anyone I did it.


New Member
you know what this reminds me of is watching "What Not to Wear" when they have on someone with hideous hair, the female mullet with the "claw" bangs, teased up high on top and they bawl like a baby when they get their hair cut. they just don't get that the rest of the entire world sees that hiar as horrid. it is like that with Comic Sans and those who liek it. why can't they see it is the mullet of the font world


New Member
I kind of feel bad showing this, but I have a customer that LOVES his logo. Every time I see some comic sans bashing I think of him. This is not technically comic sans but darn close. These were season specific designs we have done for him using his logo as a base.

PS the logo was in place before he was my customer.


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John Butto

New Member
in doo time...

you know what this reminds me of is watching "What Not to Wear" when they have on someone with hideous hair, the female mullet with the "claw" bangs, teased up high on top and they bawl like a baby when they get their hair cut. they just don't get that the rest of the entire world sees that hiar as horrid. it is like that with Comic Sans and those who liek it. why can't they see it is the mullet of the font world
The Comic Sans mullet haircut


Just Me
That's great John!

Actual vinyl on vehicle to take place tomorrow. I am sad...

Yes, it pays the bills - but I can't help but cringe when I imagine him telling people "Yep - had that beauty done by Cornerstone..."


Premium Subscriber
Way in the back make a little digital sign that reads:

Furnished by...
Cappy Signs of Texas


Active Member
I just got finished reading a long thread where a "newbie" (the black 4x8 w/red letters) gets slammed for making the same crappy signs that everybody here is fessing up to.
So how come he's supposed to redo it for free? Or refuse to do something because it's not up to our standards?
Only difference is we know better and do it anyhow. Which is worse?


Premium Subscriber
I just got finished reading a long thread where a "newbie" (the black 4x8 w/red letters) gets slammed for making the same crappy signs that everybody here is fessing up to.
So how come he's supposed to redo it for free? Or refuse to do something because it's not up to our standards?
Only difference is we know better and do it anyhow. Which is worse?

There are many reasons for your observation, which is one I agree with 1,000%, but in that other thread, the guy was being a jerk about it and didn't realize it even after all things were pointed out to him. He didn't want to be helped, although he flip-flopped around quite a bit.


Active Member
Yep he was, but as for the design that doesn't mean he should tell the customer he's going to have to redo it. There was another thread where I was offering suggestions about "gold leaf" films where the OP was told he was a hack and his customer a cheap *** if he didn't use real gold. It happens all the time, how many times has someone said. I'd rather go fishing than do a sign that's not right. But right here in this thread many solid designers admit to doing the same thing that others get bashed for.


Premium Subscriber
Honestly, I think between your peers, it's good to let your hair down once in a while and report back that you are indeed human and do some silly or stoopid things from time to time. At least here, everyone is admitting it's wrong, but what are ya gonna do sometimes, where again, they other guy after doing stoopid things he didn't even know about, still defended and blamed others for his stoopid mistakes.

But you're ah so right..... this place really does crawl with hypocrites of all sizes, colors and shapes.......... literally.


New Member
We did a whole fleet of about 20 vehicles last year where they insisted on using comic sans... at least the lettering stayed smallish... :rolleyes:


New Member
Yep he was, but as for the design that doesn't mean he should tell the customer he's going to have to redo it. There was another thread where I was offering suggestions about "gold leaf" films where the OP was told he was a hack and his customer a cheap *** if he didn't use real gold. It happens all the time, how many times has someone said. I'd rather go fishing than do a sign that's not right. But right here in this thread many solid designers admit to doing the same thing that others get bashed for.

that gold thread got way out there in bashing. yes, real gold will last the 12 years the OP wanted, no most of the fake gold won't. he asked if there was one out there that would last more and 2-3 years or if there was one that would last 12 years. how did that turn in a cheap*** customer, tell them to f' off thread? there are some good faux ways of doing a job, some will work, some won't.

as far as crapping on a poorly done sign with a horrid font, we have had to make these but we KNOW it is horrid. most times, the OP is posting the sign because they think it looks good and have no clue that it is terrible. it isn't so much we do it too but they can't is the knowing what is bad and what isn't