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I'm in such a rut here....


New Member
Ive been working on a logo for this customer for a while now, and i just cant get anything flowing....
Definitely struggling with this one.
They work on mowers, quads, chainsaws, etc.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
Here's my mess so far.
Screen shot 2011-02-21 at 3.14.24 PM.jpg

Pat Whatley

New Member
I don't know....for somebody "in a rut" those are some pretty solid designs. Has your customer shot all those down?


New Member
Thanks Pat.
He hasnt really shot any down, but I dont think any have hit the mark for him yet. He "likes a little of this one and a little of that one"
My problem is trying to capture what he does. He'd like to see a stylized tractor in there, but i'm not sure...
I've just run out of ideas on this one.
If i can just get one more round to him, i am sure we'll start narrowing down.


New Member
i think you've just been looking at them too long.

you've got a nice divers set of designs... stop looking them and show your client... there's a good chance you've nailed it already!

RJ California

New Member
Top 2 and second one down on right caught my attention. Third one down on the left is a clean logo too. Do you always create such a variety of different style logos for your customers? When I do that they always seem to choose my least favorite.


New Member
I dont usually have such a variety, but i just didnt get much direction from the customer.
First round to him i just had 2 options.
And when he looked at my past work... his taste varied as much as what you see here, haha.


New Member
Some nice Shiz ya got goin on there Fer Sho. Top right and middle left are knockin my boots!


Active Member
top right looks best to me! Name is most readable from thumbnail and logo seems simple enough despite having plenty of dimension to it.


New Member
"He'd like to see a stylized tractor in there"

Mc Donalds do not have a hamburger, KFC do not have a Chicken, Nike do not have a shoe.

Millers do not need a stylized tractor. It's a LOGO. Signs say what you do - not the logo.

Convince (educate) your client of the difference.

Top right has absolutely nailed it.

Cheers - G


New Member
I like the top right the best. It has the Briggs and Stratton thing going on and says small engine. How about "Performance Motors" instead of mower & performance?


New Member
I have not looked at your sample designs.
What Fitch said...rings true..
A logo needs to be simple.
Do not confuse a logo with an advertisement.
A Wheel..under power...should do it.


New Member
Are they looking for something to represent like a hot rod lawn mower? If so, a John Deaton design comes to mind!


New Member
I really like what your doing in the first one using mower blades as the "L's" in Millers. Make them look more like mower blades, it would be a way to connect the name and the idea of mower blades


New Member
I'd really like to see this thread discuss the business of negotiating the sale & closing the sale too... we all talk about designs every day here, but we ALL face some of the same other challenges too.. and i'd like to see various different ways we all deal with that..

for me, I plan to charge $1000 on my next logo.. I've done maybe 25 logos at $500 ea, and now, as a result of discussions here, and my own gut feeling (& the amount of time i actually spend quite often) I know it's time to raise it up... for me...
so Im not suggesting you give your story just so others can tell you it's wrong or anything, but I think I would like to hear how & when you arrive at a starting price, and how & when you discuss possible need for a budget increase...

because in my book, even at $1000, with half down.. and little to no direction from the client, I would be saying "this is over $500 worth of work, and if you can't give me very very clear direction NOW, then call me when you can, or write me another check.. because my job is giving you what you want, and you're job is deciding what you want... and there is only so much help i can give in deciding what you want, which could be an unattainable goal for all we know...

so, for $100 an hour i'll guess what you want all year, but for $500 down, i;'ve guessed all you can afford so far...