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I'm running this ad in the World Series Program


New Member
i have $20 on that your ad is hands down the worst ad in the entire book... and that's quite a feat considering those books are 90% ads. sorry to be harsh, but I had no idea what you were selling. there's no need for all those websites listed and the repetitive types of canvas prints that remind me of keyword spam on a website for search engines.

and your bird logo comment? pathetic. they protect their brand so seriously that you can't even say the WORD "Eagles" unless you're the Eagles.


Active Member
only thing that caught my eye was thinking the kid was eating the camera.

and it looks like you're selling a book for $4.95.


New Member
Just thought of something....
Not going to get into anything but the ad.

Why the line?
"Replay the moment again and again"
It's baseball that line makes me think of Football or a tape / DVD I can play over and over again.

Why not use
"Catch the moment"
It's more inline with Baseball.

Also remember this ad in a way will become a part of Baseball history.
People collect these programs.
I think it's time to re-work it or have someone with ad layout experience put something together for you.
No trying to knock you but I'm sure you spent a few $$$ on the space so why not get the most for your $$$?

If it were up to me I'd play off of all the Father - Son type moments this game has provided over the years.
Know what I'm saying? Heck even though it's 2010 you could go with a sepia tone image or something that "Caught the moment in time " so to say.

Oh and shouldn't it say "Visit one (any) of the following websites to ..... codes"?

JMO - Hope that helps out


New Member
Just thought of something....
Not going to get into anything but the ad.

Why the line?
"Replay the moment again and again"
It's baseball that line makes me think of Football or a tape / DVD I can play over and over again.

Why not use
"Catch the moment"
It's more inline with Baseball.

Also remember this ad in a way will become a part of Baseball history.
People collect these programs.
I think it's time to re-work it or have someone with ad layout experience put something together for you.
No trying to knock you but I'm sure you spent a few $$$ on the space so why not get the most for your $$$?

If it were up to me I'd play off of all the Father - Son type moments this game has provided over the years.
Know what I'm saying? Heck even though it's 2010 you could go with a sepia tone image or something that "Caught the moment in time " so to say.

Oh and shouldn't it say "Visit one (any) of the following websites to ..... codes"?

JMO - Hope that helps out

Sign boy
That was very constructive and I thank you for it. The ad dead line was today and it is to late to make anymore changes.
In a few days I will find out how it all works out.
Thanks again.


Old Member
I wish I read this thread earlier...I applaud your innovative attempt and wish you luck. I'm glad you weeded out the constructive advice and heeded it as well as time allowed. Hope you let us know how it all goes.


New Member
showing this on your site will get you in lots of trouble should the proper authorities be contacted....

I am all for helping someone out in our industry, but this guy is a pillager...raping our industry and our customers! Have you checked out his websites and read the fine print? Let him figure out the hard way!

I saw a few things that I almost pointed out to you, skdave, but then realized that you don't care...you're in it to make a quick buck...and whether you do or not...you'll be gone in no time.

I'm not going to say whether it is right or wrong, but also I am not sitting on the fence about this one!


New Member
I wish I read this thread earlier...I applaud your innovative attempt and wish you luck. I'm glad you weeded out the constructive advice and heeded it as well as time allowed. Hope you let us know how it all goes.

Thank you, I will certainly let everyone that wants to know the outcome know, via PM.


New Member
"I am all for helping someone out in our industry, but this guy is a pillager...raping our industry and our customers! Have you checked out his websites and read the fine print? Let him figure out the hard way!"

We have no small print on our site. Wal-mart offers free eye exames if you need help. What is your problem, fenris242.
Maybe your fence is made of barwire. We sell banners between $.98 and $2.98 a square foot and make money. Last time I checked it was still a free country but maybe I need to turn on the tube and recheck.


New Member
You can sell what you want at whatever price you like. Lowballing is killing the industry. You asked for a response and you are getting exactly that. I don't care for the layout and agree its not fitting with the events. I would not order from this ad, if the ad represents your product, I would think I was getting an inferior product. This type of publication is a way to show off your abilities. I think you failed at grabbing the potential customers attention. Maybe, If you are still around next year you could step up to the "plate" with a "homerun".


New Member
We have no small print on our site.

How can you say this? Buried in the privacy policy page of you 98 cent banner web site, is finally the restriction that says "Artwork may only contain characters or words. No graphical or pictorial images are allowed on artwork." On the order sheet you've made it very misleading.


Professional Snow Ninja
What is your problem, fenris242.

i simply made a comment about using copyrighted and trademarked logos without proper permission....maybe YOU should look at who's posts YOU're replying to.....not that i disagree with HeathSignCo....but if you're gonna pissy about it, make sure you're gettin pissy at the right person....:doh:

How can you say this? Buried in the privacy policy page of you 98 cent banner web site, is finally the restriction that says "Artwork may only contain characters or words. No graphical or pictorial images are allowed on artwork." On the order sheet you've made it very misleading.
what's better is you have to supply a perfectly set file in order not to get hit with art fee, but you still get hit with the "There is a setup fee of $20.00 per artwork file." fee! ...that's not on the order form either!


Active Member
98centbanners.com has a staffed in-house art department. If your banner needs artwork created, manipulated or size adjustments, an artwork charge of $60.00 an hour with a minimum of one-half hour (30 minutes) will be charged. There is a setup fee of $20.00 per artwork file. Freight will be charged deemed upon size and weight of finalized banner. Grommets will be placed in banner every two to three feet on any sized banner. If artwork has a color-bleed, artwork will be charged at $1.98 per square foot and a cutting charge of $2.00 per cut will be charged

I'm not clear on this....if the customer needs art service you will do it for $60/hr $30 min PLUS a $20 set up? And what is the "Cutting charge" for, cutting the banner to size?
So there is an additional charge of at least $4 per banner since each one must be cut on at least two sides? And do you charge $8 per banner if it needs to be cut on 4 sides?
And does this apply only to $1.98 banners?


New Member
Each banner is heated and set to outgas in the correct temperatures to bind the fresh ink onto the vinyl allowing each color to glow and last for decades.

last for decades?

Dave... quite simply, you are nothing but a lying sack of $#!T
Go find another playground. You are not "one of us"!
You are the enemy. F-off!


New Member
I'm not clear on this....if the customer needs art service you will do it for $60/hr $30 min PLUS a $20 set up? And what is the "Cutting charge" for, cutting the banner to size?
So there is an additional charge of at least $4 per banner since each one must be cut on at least two sides? And do you charge $8 per banner if it needs to be cut on 4 sides?
And does this apply only to $1.98 banners?

We try to keep it simple. .98 a square foot is a simple banner with words.
Happy Birthday John, Going Out of Biz., SALE, etc. 10 oz banner to hang indoors. Folks like a fair price for a product that fills a certain need.
If they need more they still get a good deal, but they pay for it. We have been doing this for a long time and the only Complaining we get is from our competition and that is TS.
The canvas deal is something new for us and advertising on a national bases is new to us, so that's why I made the post to get comments on the ad. The eagle was removed in 12 hours after it was pointed out that it was a tm issue and my web master was told, to be more careful of tm issues. Not being a football fan didn't help on that issue.

Now that the ad is placed, maybe the name calling that happens on forums and would never be said to your face at a trade show can stop.


Active Member
I understand the basic .98 deal..what I'm asking about are those charges that apply if a customer wants more...
32"x72" banner @$1.98 s/f $31.68 Plus $30 minimum design time plus $20 set up plus $8 cutting = $89.68 (that's $5.625 s/f) plus shipping
Is that correct?


New Member
I understand the basic .98 deal..what I'm asking about are those charges that apply if a customer wants more...
32"x72" banner @$1.98 s/f $31.68 Plus $30 minimum design time plus $20 set up plus $8 cutting = $89.68 (that's $5.625 s/f) plus shipping
Is that correct?

The only number I'm not sure of is the $8. cutting charge. I'll get back on that.
The rest is correct but sometimes the extras are reduced or not applied at all. So if a retail customer comes in with print ready art and wants it back in the normal lead time they get it for $31.68 plus tax. But if the want it faster the will need to pay the $20. set up. The $51.68.


Active Member
Man, now I'm more confused...so the $20 set up is a rush charge?
And I get the pricing with ready to print art, but what about customers that don't have that, they want you to design it? Or they provide crappy artwork files that won't print well? And the banner isn't 36" or 54". This is where I''m trying to see how you handle(and charge for) the transaction.


New Member
well i have to confession... i came to this thread early on... looked at the attachment and left the thread without posting.

your design and layout efforts where lost on me. as a member here, i'd like to learn to have more patients for the purpose of critiquing. however, i also think my short attention span is indicative of the general public who WILL NOT work at reading your ad.

since this thread is still hanging out on page one... i knew there had to be more here than just layout issues.


James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
I've been following this thread with amusement, and at times disbelief.

As an industry professional, I have a personal responsibility (and desire) to educate my customer in no uncertain terms exactly what I am providing for them, and how much it will cost them. Plain and simple.

When I become your customer, I expect the same. I have no tolerance for semantics...just let me know the facts and don't waste my time...or yours. I've disqualified numerous suppliers over the years who insist on playing these games.

Going to such extremes to sell on price alone is a risky proposition, and is a sure sign of weak business skills (this applies to everybody). Sooner or later, the "screwer" will get screwed by the next one to come along with an even lower price.

Honestly, I'm sure there are people out there who would be willing to pay more than your asking price if they had a good reason to do so. Educating them, and then delivering on that promise is what it's all about.
