Another question, or rather get your opinion. I noticed this job is spec for PPG brand paint to match 158c pantone.
Do you think it matters if it is PPG as long as the color is correct?
Kind of a dumb question but this will be my first attempt at interior signage.
When I write specifications, I alway add "or equal". In this case, I would follow that spec, Matthew Paint is owned by PPG, Matthews has pretty much perfected PMC color matching. I would go with them...
I did see your post about ADA, and I am not sure about that. I know they have this in thousands of offices and cubicles around the country so I am not sure how they bypass if it is wrong.
You are not required to put any sign up on a "permanent room" (EXCEPT SIGNS REQUIRED FOR OCCUPANCY), but If you put a sign up on a "permanent room" it must be ADA compliant. Where it gets a little fuzzy is temporary office spaces. Cubicles are not required to be ADA, If the glass partitions or not permanent fixtures, the office "may" not be required to be ADA compliant... in the case where it is fuzzy,, I would either have the client sign a release of liability, or get the architect/designer to write an email stating they don't think so or maybe the drawings are good enough.... basically, "cover your arse"