Nice Links. I never knew about the trailer park boys. Strangely fascinating at 4:28.
Heh. Is it a public holiday over there?
Yeah well who are they gonna lock up if they make drugs legal?
Only for those that enjoy violating an asinine federal law that bans a plant that has hundreds if not thousands of practical uses other than it's medicinal properties. Everyone else just continues popping their government approved synthetic chemicals and shakes their collective fist at the hippies.
Gotta admit, I do miss my younger days. Ah well, I'll just go home tonight and reminisce while I drink my government approved poison(no offense to the drinkers out there, I drink too, just pointing out how absurd it is that you can go to your local liquor store and purchase a bottle for $20 - $30 that could kill you if you drank the whole thing, yet a plant that's practically impossible to OD on is part of the focus in the miserably failing "war on drugs")
If we can actully die from water intoxication(drinking too much water), I do believe that taking too much weed can get us too, considering water is a necessity for us. It's rare to happen, but it does.
Most everything in moderation is the key.
Oh, even beer and such has it's medical value, the key is moderation.
WOW, you really are from Mars!
I guess I am too?? I just don't get this s&%t???![]()
Several universities closed here in colorado. Weed is pretty much legal here, and last year the sky over CU in boulder had a cloud of haze from all the joints burning
If you wanna get technical with it... you'd die from smoke inhalation long before you ODed from THC. If you're talkin aout edibles... well, no studies have been done on it to my knowledge but I'm guessin your belly would explode long before you ingested enough to kill you.