It's going to be tough to find a single fits all price guide as you request. The best out there is probably the signcraft one but it's not really worth anything. The problem with price guides like this is they cannot account for your overhead, workflow and level of efficiency.
Truly accurate pricing will vary wildly depending on those factors. My fixed overhead may be $25k per month, and that has to be accounted for in my pricing. Your fixed overhead may only be $3k per month, so a price guide geared for one or the other is not going to work for all scenarios. Throw in how you produce things and the rate of efficiency at which you do so will even more change things. Again, I may be able to produce a 4'x8' banner in 11 minutes, but that same banner may take you 68 minutes. That's going to change the prices.
The cost at which you buy raw materials will also vary, as will countless other factors.
What I'd recommend you do is buy a good pricing program, accurately configure it to meet your business's needs, and then create a custom printable price guide from the prices the program helps you determine. I recommend GraphixCalc, it's extremely easy to set up to your specific business and it will give you dead accurate prices every time.
Remember, pricing is not an art, it's not a commodity, and it's not something you can get out of a book or off of a shelf. It's a science, and to keep yourself in business, you need to master it.