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Installation rate vs man hours

Installr Kid

New Member
Im an independent installer myself, out of Florida with no shop, but running out of my truck (F150)- I charge per man hr + travel time/or mileage. I let all my customers know, there's a job minimum of $100 - meaning if you have a 1"x1" alarm sticker you need on your front door - $100 - even if it only takes 3mins to drive to - install, and shake hands. With that said - hrly rate is $65/hr per man (no matter the experience) - I pay all my help $25/hr unless theyre from the industry, in which I pay more. I figure if paying more cuts into my hrly rate - fine, the install gets done fast and correctly, which are more important to me, and we get consistant call backs for more business. In summary - PER man, PER HR, + Mileage or Travel. Good luck!