Hello all,
I just found your site today.I've been thumbing through all the posts and like the friendly helpful advise givin here.I'm Ken from the Phx Az area and look forward to learning more about the sign business.I have a 24" Panther from Signwarehouse w/LXI Master+.I am currently spending alot of time on learning the software and also on Corel 12.I bought the cutter for making sandblast masks but have found myself getting more and more intrested making all types of non electric signs.Are there many people from Phx on the board?
I just found your site today.I've been thumbing through all the posts and like the friendly helpful advise givin here.I'm Ken from the Phx Az area and look forward to learning more about the sign business.I have a 24" Panther from Signwarehouse w/LXI Master+.I am currently spending alot of time on learning the software and also on Corel 12.I bought the cutter for making sandblast masks but have found myself getting more and more intrested making all types of non electric signs.Are there many people from Phx on the board?