I should of been clearer: I meant to say full color. I know 1 color and screen printed signs are still hugely popular due to the affordability. However, full color is equally if not more popular, especially come political season every 2 years.
When it comes to color, none of the other trade printers come close to matching Signs365. Not only in price, but speed, delivery and quality. And this is from someone who loves 4over and how they were able to stick to these silly "we're 10th generation Hedeilberg owners from INSERT_SMALL_TOWN here, Johns Lithrographics Inc who consistenly is posting on forums complaining their customers are leaving them because 4over lets little guys sell brochures dirt cheap. Even them, the king of Trade Printing, 4over, can't compete.
I gotta give it to Signs365, they came out of the woodwork and built they're whole business large in part...On...Buying ad space on the back of signs magazines.Yes, that's right. Not telemarketing, trade shows or direct mail. Buying and placing kick-*** full page back or front cover ads with extremely low pricing and an industry first flat rate overnight anywhere.
G'damn I love America. Unlike other folk, I love competition.