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Is my pricing too high for printed vinyl?


No comment
just wait until construction slows down. All of these inspectors will have nothing to do with their time so the municipalities send them out everyday fishing for code violations. Fire marshall will be busy again catching up on inspections too.
In 2010, it was all the local cities wanting to have committees with chamber members asking what they could to do to appear "open for business". That's what I keep thinking will happen again here in about 3 to 5 years when they've discouraged too many businesses from moving into town.

Stacey K

I like making signs
My town just hired a "yard nazi". I'm not really sure what his exact job title is but part of his job is to go around and ticket people if their grass is over 12" or if they have too much junk in their yard.

Apparently there have been too many complaints for the city to handle itself. We only have like 3,600 people in town and I can probably point out each of the troubled houses so there must be more to his job than that.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
My town just hired a "yard nazi". I'm not really sure what his exact job title is but part of his job is to go around and ticket people if their grass is over 12" or if they have too much junk in their yard.

Apparently there have been too many complaints for the city to handle itself. We only have like 3,600 people in town and I can probably point out each of the troubled houses so there must be more to his job than that.
Are you allowed to have color?


Arial - it's almost helvetica
In 2010, it was all the local cities wanting to have committees with chamber members asking what they could to do to appear "open for business". That's what I keep thinking will happen again here in about 3 to 5 years when they've discouraged too many businesses from moving into town.
Same here. 2012 we moved into a new shop, no nonsense from the county with the whole you have to update your bathroom to ADA, add more parking, water retention, add landscaping, do this, do that. Fire inspection same deal, looks good to me. Now, if you farrt too loud they will demand you get an air pollution permit and put a wind rated muffler on your chair with stamped engineered drawings and a GC to install it.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
My town just hired a "yard nazi". I'm not really sure what his exact job title is but part of his job is to go around and ticket people if their grass is over 12" or if they have too much junk in their yard.

Apparently there have been too many complaints for the city to handle itself. We only have like 3,600 people in town and I can probably point out each of the troubled houses so there must be more to his job than that.
I'm a get off my grass kind of guy so that would be fine with me


Active Member
Are you allowed to have color?
View attachment 159588

Not in Santa Fe. Some residents sued the city after they painted a water storage tank the "wrong" shade of desert taupe and were concerned it would impact their property values. In Gnublerville that would have been easily remedied with a friend and two shovels, or a field trip to a hungry pig farm.


New Member
While I have no input on the price..... is this guy going to wrap his race car with IJ35.... and unlaminated IJ35 on top of that?


Active Member
Geneva Olson said:
a lot of what you are saying is based on technology and how that techology has changed an industry.
I was at the dr a few years back and he was dictating notes into software while we were meeting. I asked him if he no longer has medical transcriptionists. He said, "no, I've got this cool software now called dragonspeak and I can just dictate and it goes into your file immediately." I responded with, "that software just put a lot of people out of a job." He looked at me stunned for a moment. It never hit him that as technology advances, we lose parts of industries. They aren't needed anymore.

The sign industry is no different. We no longer need "painters", we need graphic artists and installers. The technology caused a shift in demand. It becomes necessary to adapt and change to fit the needs of the business.

we always lose jobs, as new technology evolves.
120 years ago, most of the country were sustainence farmers, spending the year growing their own food.
the car put the blacksmiths out of business

it is interesting though, as we see the end of industries AND PROPOSED ENDS OF INDUSTRIES, i wonder where we are going with this

joe biden talked about eliminating fossil fuels with "new green technology" (most of which doesn't exist yet, or is not perfected)

joe's answer is "let them retrain to write computer code" TWO THINGS

(1) third world programmers from india and the like make this a sub-minimum wage job
(2) how many more programmers can we possibly need?

Geneva Olson

Expert Storyteller
Geneva Olson said:
a lot of what you are saying is based on technology and how that techology has changed an industry.
I was at the dr a few years back and he was dictating notes into software while we were meeting. I asked him if he no longer has medical transcriptionists. He said, "no, I've got this cool software now called dragonspeak and I can just dictate and it goes into your file immediately." I responded with, "that software just put a lot of people out of a job." He looked at me stunned for a moment. It never hit him that as technology advances, we lose parts of industries. They aren't needed anymore.

The sign industry is no different. We no longer need "painters", we need graphic artists and installers. The technology caused a shift in demand. It becomes necessary to adapt and change to fit the needs of the business.

we always lose jobs, as new technology evolves.
120 years ago, most of the country were sustainence farmers, spending the year growing their own food.
the car put the blacksmiths out of business

it is interesting though, as we see the end of industries AND PROPOSED ENDS OF INDUSTRIES, i wonder where we are going with this

joe biden talked about eliminating fossil fuels with "new green technology" (most of which doesn't exist yet, or is not perfected)

joe's answer is "let them retrain to write computer code" TWO THINGS

(1) third world programmers from india and the like make this a sub-minimum wage job
(2) how many more programmers can we possibly need?
How about buying electric cars and having all of this electricity bogging down the grid that can't support what we already have.


New Member
..... can anyone recommend a good farrier? I swear there used to be one on every street corner! Haven't seen very many since that darn automobile thing took over!


Arial - it's almost helvetica
Geneva Olson said:
a lot of what you are saying is based on technology and how that techology has changed an industry.
I was at the dr a few years back and he was dictating notes into software while we were meeting. I asked him if he no longer has medical transcriptionists. He said, "no, I've got this cool software now called dragonspeak and I can just dictate and it goes into your file immediately." I responded with, "that software just put a lot of people out of a job." He looked at me stunned for a moment. It never hit him that as technology advances, we lose parts of industries. They aren't needed anymore.

The sign industry is no different. We no longer need "painters", we need graphic artists and installers. The technology caused a shift in demand. It becomes necessary to adapt and change to fit the needs of the business.

we always lose jobs, as new technology evolves.
120 years ago, most of the country were sustainence farmers, spending the year growing their own food.
the car put the blacksmiths out of business

it is interesting though, as we see the end of industries AND PROPOSED ENDS OF INDUSTRIES, i wonder where we are going with this

joe biden talked about eliminating fossil fuels with "new green technology" (most of which doesn't exist yet, or is not perfected)

joe's answer is "let them retrain to write computer code" TWO THINGS

(1) third world programmers from india and the like make this a sub-minimum wage job
(2) how many more programmers can we possibly need?
I think you are taking it too literal, it is being said that there are other opportunities that replace the old ones that go away. I think purely from an economic standpoint that it is good practice to push green energy in this country. That is the trend worldwide and we need to be in that game or risk being left behind and needing to rely again on countries like China. Yes programmers in India are a low paid job but these are not the ones doing the technical research either. As a country, we need to get away from relying on others in order to save a few bucks so getting more people here trained to do the jobs again that have been exported is important. Look where relying on China has brought us. Not only are there economic implications but there are huge national security risks as well. I think people should drop the politics and start looking more at the bigger picture. The country is stalled while the politicians on each side focus on winning hot button issues that do absolutely nothing for anyone. When there are good ideas, each side poo poos it and twists it into another battle just to win by blocking it, hey look at me, send my campaign some money! It's a waste of time. I don't think that anyone with half a brain really thinks that green energy is going to be some miracle that saves the world but it is happening and is going to continue. So as the conversation went, you can either hang on to your paintbrush or go buy a plotter. Politics, not policy, is going to be the downfall of this country.
FWIW, if you want to save the planet, it is going to require more people in the world to wear rubbers.

Dan Berg

New Member
Know your numbers first.
Salary and benefits
Equipment depreciation
Property upkeep
Profit on top of everything else

I would double material costs and $100 an hour for every minute that printer is running.
For smaller one off projects that comes to around .05 a sq. in.or $7.20 a sq. ft.
Discounted to .04 sq. in. for larger quantity.