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Question Just checking - Strengths

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
Are you interested in developing and improving your own unique strengths? Talents?
Over the years of my sign making experience, I have read several books on strengths. I have just started reading, “It’s The Manager” by Jim Clifton and Jim Harter. Published by Gallup Press in 2019.
One of their questions is, “Is there someone at work who encourages my development?”
It goes on to say, “The new purpose of business -- and the future of work -- has to include maximizing human potential.”
Is there anyone else here on s101 that has similar interests? Just checking.
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New Member
Can you imagine a reality where maximizing human potential had primarily to do with the place we go to make money? Can you imagine refining your character, exploring your God-given gifts, and growing as a human being, only to have the small-mindedness to relate it only to the workplace?

Robert, I'm sure you mean well, but my pursuit of personal development will never start in the context of the workplace or as a manager. Seek instead unchanging Truth and not simply truisms, and the workplace will be a natural offshoot of your bettered self.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
A big thank you to all who have taken the time to read this thread and to those who have replied. I am really interested to see how this unfolds.

Robert Armerding

Listen Sharp
Can you imagine a reality where maximizing human potential had primarily to do with the place we go to make money? Can you imagine refining your character, exploring your God-given gifts, and growing as a human being, only to have the small-mindedness to relate it only to the workplace?

Robert, I'm sure you mean well, but my pursuit of personal development will never start in the context of the workplace or as a manager. Seek instead unchanging Truth and not simply truisms, and the workplace will be a natural offshoot of your bettered self.
I think I understand your premise a little. I wonder, have you read the book? I am only a few chapters into it. (Could I have your permission to send a DM about your webpage?)


Trade Only Screen & Digital Sign Printing
On this subject, I feel like those of us with happy employees will comment differently than those of us that work alone, or are unhappy employees ourselves.

Most of us spend the best hours of our lives at work. Our most productive time of the day, from our teenage years into our sixties and beyond. If one doesn't connect at least some of that time with their own growth and positive self worth, it seems like quite the waste to me.


Arial - it's almost helvetica
On this subject, I feel like those of us with happy employees will comment differently than those of us that work alone, or are unhappy employees ourselves.

Most of us spend the best hours of our lives at work. Our most productive time of the day, from our teenage years into our sixties and beyond. If one doesn't connect at least some of that time with their own growth and positive self worth, it seems like quite the waste to me.
Chicken or the egg. People with good character attract and retain happy employees. A negative work environment is generally created from a negative owner/manager and attracts the same.
If someone has to read a book to figure out how to run a business or be a good person, chances are it will be a futile effort.


Very Active Signmaker
Chicken or the egg. People with good character attract and retain happy employees. A negative work environment is generally created from a negative owner/manager and attracts the same.
If someone has to read a book to figure out how to run a business or be a good person, chances are it will be a futile effort.

That's why I though all those books were silly, you can't change the personality of people. Most people are where they are because they belong there and no amount of preaching will change their way of thinking.

James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
Most people are where they are because they belong there and no amount of preaching will change their way of thinking.

I wouldn't go so far as to say that people actually "belong" where they are, because there a gazillion factors involved here. The ability for self-improvement is at the highest tier of Moslow's hierarchy, and the majority of people exist at the second or third level in the workplace.

Some of us are naturally hardwired to elevate to the upper levels.



Johnny Best

Active Member
That's why I though all those books were silly, you can't change the personality of people. Most people are where they are because they belong there and no amount of preaching will change their way of thinking.

So we harken back 500,000 years ago and a Archaic human who is pondering his job in the tribe as a hunter, to go and kill that Mammoth over in the valley, or go and visit that pretty Neanderthal female who lives in a cave nearby. She tells him of his human potential and strengths and he likes that, it gets him to thinking!
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James Burke

Being a grandpa is more fun than working
So we harken back 500,000 years ago an a Archaic human who is pondering his job in the tribe as a hunter, to go and kill that Mammoth over in the valley, or go and visit that pretty Neanderthal female who lives in a cave nearby. She tells him of his human potential and strengths and he likes that, it gets him to thinking!

I've heard that people groups from subsistence societies are a lot happier than their first-world counterparts. I think about that every time my wealthy colleague calls to tell me about his money-induced problems.



New Member
That's why I though all those books were silly, you can't change the personality of people. Most people are where they are because they belong there and no amount of preaching will change their way of thinking.

Agree 100% with 50% of that Tex. During one of the many seminars I took during my management days, one nugget of wisdom I still remember. That was the difference between personality and behavior and that 'You can't change someone's personality, but you CAN change their behavior.' Just need to help the person understand how exhibiting behavior that may seem counter to their personality characteristics can benefit them. Not easy, but have seen it happen many times.


Premium Subscriber
So why is it, all married couples say........ you aren't the man I married or the woman I married ??


Trade Only Screen & Digital Sign Printing
Core personality traits may not change. That might be right, but little things can change about a person and that can make a huge difference. My overarching goals and beliefs are very much the same as they were when I started in this business 13 years ago, but my approach to achieving them has changed a bit. The stories I tell to help my employees understand have changed. My patience has improved. I am more consistent and persistent than I was when I was younger.