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Just finished logo design


New Member
When I get to my computer I will post a few other ideas that were given to them. However, I would also have to disagree with some of the comments given here, and that's ok :smile:

I don't believe that this is a terrible design. I don't believe it does a disservice to the client. I believe that it is a different style than most signmakers would come up with, and because of that it's getting blasted.

Don't get me wrong - there are times when I am plenty "honest" about what I see posted here, especially when they are asking for feedback, or there is serious design principle related issues with what is posted.

However "I don't like that" does not equate to "does a disservice to the customer".

Others have posted that there are a select few folks around here who could post a stylized image of a pile of dog crap and we would see 5 pages of "kudos!!!" as response. Anyone else that posts something gets blasted, regardless of the quality of what they post. I'm starting to understand that sentiment....

Im with you on this.

No, the design you posted wouldn't make it on to my portfolio. However, YOU did what the CUSTOMER wanted. We should all be thankful that this designer showed the VALUE of a logo and SOLD it. We should be irritated at the clowns that run around doing this stuff for free or for greatly discounted prices.

Im not in business to reinforce how incredibly important great graphic design is. Im in business to make money. If I have a customer that wants to pay me $1k for a Microsoft WordArt project, Im going to use Microsoft WordArt.

We are in business to make money. If the customer approved it and likes it, if it's better than what they had, then Circelville did the customer a service and deserved to be paid for it.

For the record, the logo could be way better, but you have little to do with that because it's ultimately not your call. Also, you didn't post this for critique. You posted this for a high five for selling a design job. So "High Five". Design jobs are my favorite. Easy money!

Also, Jillibeans isn't the only one that gets pampered on these forums. However, she consistently puts out good stuff. So it's deserved as far as Im concerned. The only guys that get blasted are the ones that haven't proven themselves to be professional. Like the guys that put a "z" instead of an "s" in their business name. ;):peace!:


New Member
This post is a prime example of people who dont have enough work. Sit here to say how bad others are in what they do.
Good job on the logo. You got paid for it thats all that matters.

Like my father said, dollar in their pocket or dollar in yours.
Would you rather be rich or right?
Clients happy, thats what really matters.

Alot of great advice on here at times... To often I read things stating how bad someones work is. There are so many factors in this business that limit what you can do for your client. Bottom line usually comes down to money.
Just my .02 not that it matters


New Member
Like my father said, dollar in their pocket or dollar in yours.
Would you rather be rich or right?
Clients happy, thats what really matters.

Love it. Reminds me of what my dad said to me about marriage.

Would you rather be right, or happy? :ROFLMAO:


New Member
When I get to my computer I will post a few other ideas that were given to them. However, I would also have to disagree with some of the comments given here, and that's ok :smile:

I don't believe that this is a terrible design. I don't believe it does a disservice to the client. I believe that it is a different style than most signmakers would come up with, and because of that it's getting blasted.

Don't get me wrong - there are times when I am plenty "honest" about what I see posted here, especially when they are asking for feedback, or there is serious design principle related issues with what is posted.

However "I don't like that" does not equate to "does a disservice to the customer".

Others have posted that there are a select few folks around here who could post a stylized image of a pile of dog crap and we would see 5 pages of "kudos!!!" as response. Anyone else that posts something gets blasted, regardless of the quality of what they post. I'm starting to understand that sentiment....

I have to agree with the OP. You ultimately do what the client wants. You can offer them your opinion, but you can't tell them what to do. They are paying you, not the other way around.

The design isn't quite what I would have done, but I have seen much, much worse as I think we all have. All in all, it's definitely good enough for government work.

Last, the more I read this forum, the more and more hate and negativity I see come off of it. I have been a lurker for a while, and only recently started posting. There is some good info to be gleamed off the site, but dang, does there have to be so much sh*t throwing like we are all a couple of baboons at the zoo? I read other forums and people "encourage" each other. Criticism is offered with sincerity, not with every sentence ending in "...you idiot". Just my $.02, but it seems like too many on here are just plain bitter. Maybe they have just sucked down too many solvent fumes over the years and haven't seen enough daylight?


New Member
This post is a prime example of people who dont have enough work. Sit here to say how bad others are in what they do.
Good job on the logo. You got paid for it thats all that matters.

Like my father said, dollar in their pocket or dollar in yours.
Would you rather be rich or right?
Clients happy, thats what really matters.

Alot of great advice on here at times... To often I read things stating how bad someones work is. There are so many factors in this business that limit what you can do for your client. Bottom line usually comes down to money.
Just my .02 not that it matters

I agree.... and disagree. When you get yourself in to one of these situations you have a choice to make.

A.) let your client dictate your design and collect your money. (lord knows I've done this more times than I would like.)

B.) Sell them on Good design. If they dont want it, keep the deposit and wish them luck elsewhere.

I understand that not everyone can be a Graphic D-Signs and pick and choose who their clients are, But you dont get there by putting out work that you are not proud of.

Ive learned my lesson many times. I used to like showing as many comps as I could just so they could see the effort I put in to it, but all too often the client would choose one that I wasnt happy with. Then I realized, why am I showing them work... That I dont think is really any good in the first place. Now I show my top 2, and let the others die in the background. I found that both I and the client are happier.


Circleville Signs

New Member
Well, this thread certainly blew up!!! :rock-n-roll:

My comment about people getting "pampered" wasn't to say that they don't deserve the accolades. They do! My point was that rarely, if ever, does anyone who is not one of those 3 or 4 people post something that they get a compliment, or even lacking a compliment, anything short of Vitriol.

Not every design is perfect. Not every design that gets sold is worthy of praise. This particular design, I actually like. It isn't my favorite of what I presented to the client, but it is certainly not a bad design. There were a couple of thoughtful posts here related to stroke size, and I am going to tweak that a bit and see how it looks.

The point is, I've done bad before. I know bad. This isn't bad. It may not be Joe Diaz/Dan Antonelli/JillBeans/John Deaton - but it sure as hell isn't "terrible".

Here are the concepts that I originally showed the client. Not all at once. This was throughout the design process.


  • CWG_Sheet.png
    57.8 KB · Views: 140


New Member
The one they picked and the one right above it on the right are my two LEAST favorite. The top left one I actually really like a lot and the others are all great as well. Agreed that none of the designs are BAD, the chose one could probably use some work but if the client is happy and you got paid then there really is nothing to argue at this point! Good job Gary.


New Member
Did you hand it over yet or can you make minor changes? I would work on the C & G a little as they have different thickness throughout the letter. Kinda gives it an off balance look and I think fixing that will improve its ease on the eye.


Art! Hot and fresh.
This post is a prime example of people who dont have enough work. Sit here to say how bad others are in what they do.
Good job on the logo. You got paid for it thats all that matters.

Like my father said, dollar in their pocket or dollar in yours.
Would you rather be rich or right?
Clients happy, thats what really matters.

Alot of great advice on here at times... To often I read things stating how bad someones work is. There are so many factors in this business that limit what you can do for your client. Bottom line usually comes down to money.
Just my .02 not that it matters

Good man, good saying.

It is what the client wants, everyone here doesn't get portfolio pieces ... just have to do the work to the best of your skill, make the customer happy and satisfied then move on.

Now if you post your own logo ... expect harsh treatment ... there are a lot of people who don't have the energy to sugar coat a critique on something that should be an effort of love and time not 'lets slap something out and let people applaud me' which seems to be the trend.

Not like we get every customer wanting to do what each of us would consider a portfolio piece. I mean in the last month, how many of us did something that would be considered a T.C.S. job (Type out, Cut out, Slap on) when it comes to a set of vehicle graphics? As long as that is what the customer wants and is happy with the results ... screw it ... move on with the day.

Oh, circleville, I like the one in the middle left (tree with leaves being cut out of the C) the most of those. I probably wouldn't use tan in it, probably a primary blue and make the W blue with the 'outline' being a white cutout from the C and G. but I like it.


New Member
If you sold it and they were happy, then your job with them is done. I personally liked the color combination and not here to rag on you. I have tried to sell/work with clients to get them to tweek things a bit if I don't agree. It works most of the time, but sometimes they get frustrated and can't make a decision. I want money in my pocket, not my neighbors.


New Member
I really wish they would have gone with the top left, I love that.
I do try to get clients to choose a better looking design, but sometimes they want something ugly.
Then one of two things happen:
I do it and never show anyone, or they go to one of my local hacks.
As for old ½@ss, well, I might not be the greatest designer ever, and am the first to admit it. But at least I try to help others who know even less than I do.
And I have yet to see you add anything to this forum other than a bunch of grumpy know-it-all mutterings.
So you can kiss my soft pale curvy @ss.
Or just think about it, not sure if I'd let you anywhere near it.

Circleville Signs

New Member
I really wish they would have gone with the top left, I love that.
I do try to get clients to choose a better looking design, but sometimes they want something ugly.
Then one of two things happen:
I do it and never show anyone, or they go to one of my local hacks.
As for old ½@ss, well, I might not be the greatest designer ever, and am the first to admit it. But at least I try to help others who know even less than I do.
And I have yet to see you add anything to this forum other than a bunch of grumpy know-it-all mutterings.
So you can kiss my soft pale curvy @ss.
Or just think about it, not sure if I'd let you anywhere near it.

God, i wish Fred would add a "like" button. I'd hit it 300x for this post :)

I agree Jill. Top left, top right, and bottom right were the three that I thought were the best. We worked on some revisions for top right, but they decided they wanted an entirely new direction, which is what led to the final product.


New Member
I really wish they would have gone with the top left, I love that. :thumb:

So you can kiss my soft pale curvy @ss.

just think about it, not sure if I'd let you anywhere near it.

now that is FUNNY. you kill me Jill.
