Somewhat urgent issue.... Printed all day yesterday just fine. Came in a little bit ago today to finish printing a good sized job due to be installed Thursday to see the following on the printers control panel (all in the exact case and format it displays it)
if I press enter is gives me
the only other keys that respond are the up and down arrows which alternate between the result of diagnosis message and the following
if I press enter on this one it gives me
Poss-ble composition
HEAD1 OK? :ent
if I press enter on this one it then initializes the printer and acts normal. Except it will not jet any ink. Acts fine other wise - detects media, I can tell it to do a cleaning, test print, send a print job, etc. It goes through the motions when trying to print but nothing comes out. The head cleaning is moving ink through - I can see it moving through the drain lines under the capping station.
When I shut the printer down at this point and power it back up that is when I got the Error 202 Device Construction error for a second - then it gives the Result of Diagnosis message again.
Anyone know why this would appear out of the blue? The machine is about 2 years old, has the original head which has (had yesterday anyways) a 100% perfect test draw. So far I've tried restarting the printer a few times, unplugged it for 10 minutes - after it sat 10 minutes I also pulled the top cover to inspect the slider board - looks fine, all the ffc cables are firmly seated, pulled the cover off the carriage and checked that the ffc cables are also still attached to the printhead. Still no go.
I'm in a jam here - we run this machine daily. I do have the Mimaki tech docs for the printer. Going from those I'm about to shut it down again for 15 minutes then pull all cables from the slider board and use a meter to check if that is gone. From what I can guess either the slider board, ffc cables from the slider board to the head, or the head itself just all of the sudden decided to crap out.
Anyways if anyone has any other ideas to try let me know. I may need a source asap to next day air in a part or two if it comes to that.
if I press enter is gives me
the only other keys that respond are the up and down arrows which alternate between the result of diagnosis message and the following
if I press enter on this one it gives me
Poss-ble composition
HEAD1 OK? :ent
if I press enter on this one it then initializes the printer and acts normal. Except it will not jet any ink. Acts fine other wise - detects media, I can tell it to do a cleaning, test print, send a print job, etc. It goes through the motions when trying to print but nothing comes out. The head cleaning is moving ink through - I can see it moving through the drain lines under the capping station.
When I shut the printer down at this point and power it back up that is when I got the Error 202 Device Construction error for a second - then it gives the Result of Diagnosis message again.
Anyone know why this would appear out of the blue? The machine is about 2 years old, has the original head which has (had yesterday anyways) a 100% perfect test draw. So far I've tried restarting the printer a few times, unplugged it for 10 minutes - after it sat 10 minutes I also pulled the top cover to inspect the slider board - looks fine, all the ffc cables are firmly seated, pulled the cover off the carriage and checked that the ffc cables are also still attached to the printhead. Still no go.

I'm in a jam here - we run this machine daily. I do have the Mimaki tech docs for the printer. Going from those I'm about to shut it down again for 15 minutes then pull all cables from the slider board and use a meter to check if that is gone. From what I can guess either the slider board, ffc cables from the slider board to the head, or the head itself just all of the sudden decided to crap out.
Anyways if anyone has any other ideas to try let me know. I may need a source asap to next day air in a part or two if it comes to that.