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L2550 warning! End of media tape mess!


New Member
Hey Folks......a word of caution. If you run a roll of banner material to the end, and the banner detaches from the roll with the tape that holds it to the roll......it will stick to the inside of the machine! I got lucky, and was able to slide a piece of .020 poly under the banner from the front, and break it loose. BUT, it's a known issue, and if the poly trick does not work, IT REQUIRES TEARING the ENTIRE machine apart! So, proceed with caution!



Old Member
Thanks for the warning Rick, keep us posted on that machine, I'm interested in hearing how you're making out with it. What RIP are you using with it?


Active Member
i've had that happen with my mimaki jv3, as well. nearly every roll of media I receive has that little gremlin hiding inside of it and I'm always on the lookout!

peels off nicely, though, if you can notice when you're down to your last __feet of material. don't even have to stop your print, just unwind the roll and rip it off, gently.


New Member
I have had tape come off inside the machine with no problems, but if it gets lodged in the roller slot it can be a pain to dig out. Best to eye those rolls when they are down to the last few feet and unwind the last manually to check for tape.