mark in tx
New Member
Signwarehouse's EnduraLam Laminator...any thoughts on this model?
53 inch model is a p.o.s., see my post above.
Signwarehouse's EnduraLam Laminator...any thoughts on this model?
53 inch model is a p.o.s., see my post above.
applikator 2R w/ heat assist 54"
no problems had it for about 4-5 years now
gets alot of use
Mosh, can you come and teach me?!?! I just can't get the hang of that darn thing....We have a Seal. Guess what, unless our print is over 48" long use use a big squeegie. WAY FASTER and not any difference in quality (with some practice)
are those 5" rollers? do you have a hard time tracking the print, like a 15 foot print? no kraft paper either huhNot in use... after use!
Yea, 5" rollers. We can knock out prints way longer than 15' if it's set up correctly.are those 5" rollers? do you have a hard time tracking the print, like a 15 foot print? no kraft paper either huh