I'm toying with this myself, we currently have a Roland, it's our 3rd printer, all have been Rolands, all have been workhorses! here is what I have noticed:
-The cleaning/maintenance is really not that bad, our Roland is cleaned when needed, if it starts to show banding or drops of ink on the print, we clean it, it takes about 10 minutes, we do it about 2 times a month or just before we run a large job.
- I've never replaced a print head on any of my Rolands, the longest i've owned a single printer is 5 years, I figure if I add up all the money i've saved by not having consumable printheads over the last 4 years, I will have easily paid for a new printhead when the time comes. On the HP's from what I've heard from other shops that run them, they change printheads about 3 times a year, each head is $150, 6 heads per change =$2700 a year on printheads with the HP.
-the majority of the work we do is dry enough to laminate or finish withing a few hours, granted we don't do wraps which I understand does have issues if you don't let the prints dry fully. but for banners, decals etc. we've been laminating/trimming right off the printer for 9 years with no issues.
I must say, I do like some of the features of the HP, such as the front loading (you can push the printer against a wall and save space) no smell, ability to print fabrics and less expensive ink are all enticing.
at the end of the day, go with the machine that has the best service and support in your area.