Since this is already a trainwreck, Marlene, your typing without capitalization is a headache every time.
Please put the effort forth for your future customers reading this.
BUT HOW WILL I UNDERSTAND "Marlene's World" if I ignore you??
And I'm sorry, anyone that types like that, should NOT be giving advice on ANYTHING INVOLVING A COMPUTER!
Done, not done.
So you're a wordsmith for a living, yet you choose not to exhibit it here?
Fine, I will keep looking at you as an almost GED candidate.
Says the guy who doesn't know that a question only needs one questions mark...Now....... this thread is a worthless piece of garbage. What's being written here, now..... was written days ago and now it's turned out 100% true.
Those who can not read or write or understand simple thought patterns, really should try playing in a place where they, fit in better. A place, which doesn't need any communication skills, bad/lousy speech capabilities and even lesser reasoning powers. If you can't at least carry on a decent argument, how do you expect top help one another ??
It's one thing to have spelling errors and miss a period or get a thought wrong, but on such a continuous basis..... it's like a frickin' revolving door around here. Between putting words in other people's mouths and not understanding simple English, which is what most here are using as their first language, why even bother with this..... any of this ??
Have at it, you guys and gals.
Don't forget 5,000 periods.......................................................Says the guy who doesn't know that a question only needs one questions mark...
Don't forget the dumb emojisDon't forget 5,000 periods.......................................................
At least no one made a thread about banning ME from the forum lolAhhhh, isn't that sweet...... doofi found a playmate.
Lol who's the young liberal?Nana-nana-nana.....naaaaaaaaa
Cripes, now this place is for kids, huh ?? No wonder I can't see straight. We're filled up with young liberals and wannabees.
Play nice you guys.
Yeah I guess the fact that I'm pro-gun, pro-life, and my Make America Great Again hat gave away the fact that I'm a young liberal? Okay, simpleton..Can we turn this back into a forum and you two simpletons just go back in your respective holes ??