Main Entry: nurture
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: development, nourishment
Synonyms: breeding, care, diet, discipline, edibles, education, feed, food, instruction, nutriment, provender, provisions, rearing, subsistence, sustenance, training, upbringing, viands, victuals
Notes: cherish means to be fond of, be attached to, while nurture means to bring up, help develop, help grow, or provide with nourishment
Antonyms: deprivation, ignorance, neglect, starvation
Main Entry: nurture
Part of Speech: verb
Definition: feed, care for
Synonyms: back, bolster, bring up, cherish, cultivate, develop, discipline, educate, foster, instruct, nourish, nurse, nursle, provide, raise, rear, school, support, sustain, tend, train, uphold
Antonyms: deprive, ignore, neglect, starve
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Main Entry: security
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: safety, protection
Synonyms: aegis, agreement, armament, armor, asylum, bail, bond, care, collateral, compact, contract, covenant, cover, custody, defense, earnest, freedom, guarantee, guard, immunity, insurance, pact, pawn, pledge, precaution, preservation, promise, redemption, refuge, retreat, safeguard, safekeeping, safeness, safety measure, salvation, sanctuary, shelter, shield, surety, surveillance, token, ward, warrant
Antonyms: danger, insecurity, peril, trouble
Main Entry: security
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: peace of mind
Synonyms: assurance, calm, certainty, confidence, conviction, ease, freedom, positiveness, reliance, soundness, sureness, surety
Antonyms: insecurity, uncertainty, worry
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Visual ideas ... Allstate "you're in good hands" symbol; arms holding infant