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Logo Resolution Problems

Owen Bridges

New Member
I am fairly new to the sign making business but what little business Ive done, I enjoy. Im not sure if I am putting this question in the right Forum but I am also new to this site. Today, I had a customer inquire about cutting some vinyl logos for their insurance agency. The logo they provided is very small and low resolution; therefore, when I try to trace it in SCAL 4, it doesn't trace all of the small details such as the small text. I was wondering if there is a way to work around this issue? If so, what is it? Thanks in advance!
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Active Member
First, you explain to the customer that their logo isn't of sufficient quality and see if they have something better preferable vector. Let them know it's going to cost more money
if they don't, it's amazing what people can find when it saves them money. Then if you still don't have great artwork you have two options, estimate the cost for reproducing it yourself,
or send it to the Vectordoctor (my choice) and see what he would charge.

Pippin Decals

New Member
I am fairly new to the sign making business but what little business Ive done, I enjoy. Im not sure if I am putting this question in the right Forum but I am also new to this site. Today, I had a customer inquire about cutting some vinyl logos for their insurance agency. The logo they provided is very small and low resolution; therefore, when I try to trace it in SCAL 4, it doesn't trace all of the small details such as the small text. I was wondering if there is a way to work around this issue? If so, what is it? Thanks in advance!

I would like to see if i can help you .Sending you a pm.I also use Scalps4Pro..


New Member
Owen, I made the mistake of recreating low quality logos for clients when I started my first sign business in 2010. I quickly learned that the customer pays for my service (in house or outsource) or they provide an acceptable file. No if's, and's or but's about it.


New Member
Or they agree for you to print their logo from their Facebook page and it looks awful, but you still get paid for the sign.


DIY Printer Fixing Guide
You could painstakingly try to completely recreate the logo in a vector format but you would have to charge at least $50 per hour for that service. However, most companies actually have the original vector file and just are too lazy to find it and send it to you. I used to tell customers that it's $100 per hour to recreate the logo in a usable form or you can provide a vector file for free. They tend to choose free.


New Member
Depending on the company logo, many times you can find it online or at least a higher res that you can probably use.


Dammit, make it faster!!
Larger corporation logos can be gotten on several websites out there and in vector format. You can also google search Company name *.pdf and find the logos


New Member
I am fairly new to the sign making business but what little business Ive done, I enjoy. Im not sure if I am putting this question in the right Forum but I am also new to this site. Today, I had a customer inquire about cutting some vinyl logos for their insurance agency. The logo they provided is very small and low resolution; therefore, when I try to trace it in SCAL 4, it doesn't trace all of the small details such as the small text. I was wondering if there is a way to work around this issue? If so, what is it? Thanks in advance!

There is a lot of great advise on this thread. Pretty much everyone is saying the same thing. Tell them you need a vectored or better quality version. When I have to do this my price was $75 and hour with a 3 hour minimum charge. They usually found the logo very quickly. If it's a larger national insurance provider www.brandsoftheword.com is a great resource for logos.

What we do is a skill and we need to be compensated for it.

Pippin Decals

New Member
Just be careful with BOTW. If you find the logo there you should check the quality. You may end up having to clean up or redraw/trace. There are quite a bit of autotraced or poor quality versions on there.

Very true Vector Doctor..So far with all the ones i have used from there have been perfect.I always look when i need something from BOTW.So check artwork after getting something.I even check it from when a customer supplies something lol..

But if you cant make something on your own sometimes a little poor image will at least give you a starting point .


New Member
Image resolution - urgh the bane of my life.

Loving the “find a decent logo or it will cost you more money” line.



Over the years I've used brandsoftheworld and a couple of other sources in a pinch but almost never do anymore. I did a comparison about 4 years ago and over 75% of the logos on there were only "close" to correct. I compared about 25 logos to 100% official versions and the inaccuracies were all over the place.

If they are big enough and well known enough to end up on a site like that than they are likely well known enough that you can get in touch with the actual company and get your hand on what you know for certain is 100% legitimate logo artwork, often a full brand standards guide with Pantone, RBG, CMYK values, allowable ways to use, etc.


New Member
What insurance agency? If it's a franchise or corporate owned, you can get the vector copy of the logo online.