But you said it does exist and can be special ordered......I am not understanding they the problem is......
Minimum order of 42 sheets, expensive and a 4-7 week wait. Job needs to be done before that. I should have stated that as a STANDARD item, this does not exist.
You did say you found the amterial for $900 with a 2-3 week lead time right?
So quote it using those parameters.
The give an alternate quote using what you would recommend.
Let them decide.
One bid, period....my concerns in doing this would be what watson describe below.
If they are putting this out to tender, I can guarantee you that another shop is quoting different materials! I would call the client and ask if they have heard back from any of the other bidders about difficulty finding 0.5" white lexan, if not you know they aren't bidding on it!
I've lost track of how may times I quoted jobs as per the specs and lost the job, only to drive by 2 months later and have the finished product not even be close to the specs. We had one job spec 1" thick cast aluminum letters from gemini, lost the job by a HUGE margin, drove by and it was plastic Minnesota letters painted silver.
Exactly! Also I have found some people just interchange Lexan with Acrylic indiscriminately. They think they are the same, just a different "brand" so to speak.
I have no doubt someone else will bid using the cost of acrylic, while being disingenuous and calling in Lexan on the quote....I have seen it happen. If I bid using cost for Lexan...I'll knock myself right out of the running, almost guaranteed. Everyone needs to be on even ground while bidding...what's fair is fair.
I sent off a letter to the potential client. in regard to the specifics and material choice, pro and cons of polycarb vs. acrylic. I pride myself on being able to educate the client to make sure they are getting what they want, or at least know what they are getting.
Thanks to everyone here that took the time to comment