Active Member
suddenly other people cut your price and or maybe lower the quality.
These 2 are very rarely by themselves (in my experience), unless people just don't know their numbers. Which gets into the OP's problem.
Time to decide if it is really worth keeping that item.
Really, for me (and only me) it would depend if I wasn't bringing something else to the table for that product (quality, knowledge, support etc) would I consider getting rid of it. Bare in mind, my main product is just about only thought of as a commodity as it is, so that would actually mean closing up shop if I wasn't bringing something else to the table.
To me a dozen eggs is only worth so much and very few people will not pay 4.99 for a dozen box of eggs.
While I give my overage of eggs away to people, they are always offering more for a dozen then even what the chains like WF sells them for (some of these people want weekly supplies as well), precisely because they know these eggs aren't in the supply chain for months before they even get to the store for you to buy and they don't have to worry about what is in their feed supply with me. Extra perceived value of quality. I say perceived, because the end customer has to "see" it. If they don't "see" that extra quality, then just spinning your wheels and if that's enough of your client base, then perhaps it is worth shutting that down. But "you" won't know that unless "you" know your numbers.