Thanks for undercutting everyone and being "another one" screwing the industry.
I am also amused because of the post I did not want to comment on because it was not worth it... this post is probably not worth it either, but I could not help myself this time... :Big Laugh
:U Rock:Some of these internet companies sell directly... vistaprint being one of them.
This clown is a printer type sign shop, bang it out, just press print, very similar to gang printers and production wrap shops. If he is making money, more power to him. That's his business. Just don't pass it off as standard signage business practice or make lame comments on other peoples pricing structure... being the lowest price is nothing to brag about... neither is being the highest by the way.
I am amused because many still look for cheaper gang printing pricing here when they are already using bottom feeder type printing and they really are selling them as a premium product because they do not know how to do any other type of printing. They also do not make much money on business cards looking at everyones recent business card pricing structure. As a print designer, I have to deal with shiny 4 color, but it's cheap hack printing and I don't like it.
I am also amused because of the post I did not want to comment on because it was not worth it... this post is probably not worth it either, but I could not help myself this time... :Big Laugh
after those two posts i think we need a stupidest post of the day
Certainly. A pricing model must account for whatever supplies consumed but it should not be based on merely marking up those supplies. Rather it should merely amortize consumables on an overall average.
A commodity is generally a fungible product. It doesn't matter who produces it, any iteration of the product is functionally interchangeable with any other iteration.
Not so much with handcrafted custom goods. Still, the commodity aspect provides a baseline from which to deviate. There necessarily exists a price point at which a client will opt for the commodity rather than the custom goods. The trick is to know just what point that might be.
3x8 13 oz banner printed full color $80
3x8 13 oz banner printed full color $80
There is no difference in the shiny 4 color cards you all order online and this guy, I am amused...
NO, the point was people from Harley Davidson Dealership ordered a banner and the meatheads on that site thought I shouldn't be able to print it for them. Cause it was a copywritten logo. Be it was for a Harley dealer.