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"Made in USA" - Is this achievable?


New Member
I've been trying to figure out if I can use the "Made in USA" label, but I'm not sure its even possible given the supply chain ecosystem.

For example the ink for HP Latex all says Singapore. If one day I can buy from STS ink or something, then that would actually be more "American" than the genuine stuff from HP.

All the print material we buy eventually traces back to China, even if the front is a US company (ex: Ultraflex).

We do all assembly here, but given the very high bar for "Made in the USA", I'm not sure if that's even realistic. As it stands, I think the highest I can calculate our the USA part of our COG is maybe ~80%.


Quit buggin' me
Guess it depends on how honest you want to be with your customers and yourself. I don't think much of anything is 'Made in the USA' 100% any more.


New Member
You always have "assembled in the USA". Or maybe "Made in the USA with foreign parts(consumables)"?

One thing we want to do eventually is license the USMC logos and trademarks, and there is a significant royalty discount if it is an unqualified "Made in the USA" product. There's also some stuff with government contracts, but the bar for those is a lot lower (like 50%+ made in the USA).


Premium Subscriber
Where was your printer made ?? Where do all the parts and components come from for your computers, scanners and other equipment. Was your phone system made here ?? Just about nothing is 100% anymore. Go get a DNA test and see where YOU really come from............


Go Bills!
China is just a subsidiary of the USA anyway, you're good!

"Reagan shifted the power to the wealthy, and the wealthy used that power to escape the borders of democracy by moving production to China."

Johnny Best

Active Member
Where was your printer made ?? Where do all the parts and components come from for your computers, scanners and other equipment. Was your phone system made here ?? Just about nothing is 100% anymore. Go get a DNA test and see where YOU really come from............

So put an ANUS sticker on the product, AssembledNowhereinUnitedStates.


I'm here for Educational Purposes
My understanding it that the C of O is determined by where the most value is made. So, you have some vinyl or substrate from Vietnam, and a printer that was mostly made in china, Ink from the UK... etc etc... the real value of the sign you made happened in the USA. Therefore, it was made in the USA. I went through all of this working for a jewelry supply company, but I think it still applies. LIke, the stone was mined in china, but the bead was made in Arizona = made in the USA.


Active Member
Honestly, who even checks this stuff? It's sad to say but there's a lot of dishonesty and very little accountability anymore.


Quit buggin' me
Honestly, who even checks this stuff? It's sad to say but there's a lot of dishonesty and very little accountability anymore.
Yep, this hits home with me.
We supported 2 lines of emergency equipment (vehicle lights & sirens) and dropped one because it switched to being 100% made in China & the quality went into the toilet. Have been promoting to our customers that the line we sell is 'Made in the USA'. I was installing a $400 siren and had to remove the cover ('Made in the USA' proudly stuck on the case) and inside was a 'Made in Singapore' decal. The quality of the equipment is still better than the other brand but I know now that I have been overselling the 'US made' selling point.


I mean what is a sign anyway? If you want to call a few drops of ink, a roll of print media, piece of lexan, and pile of aluminum a sign, then nope. But if you use the foreign components to make something new, then who is to say where it was made.
It's kindly reminds me of the greek dude with the boat, or the broken hatchet.
Lets not forget the tears of failed designers turned sign guys now!