When I posted the initial question I had no idea Merritt Mike was on here . Just never noticed him before, missed his post or whatever. I sent an email to Merritt after starting this post. I also asked Mike in the forum if he wanted me to give him some info, he chose to look at the facts internally within his organization. I was actually surprised when a Merritt rep jumped in.
Today I had an apology from the sales rep by 8:30 am my time (mountain time). The original quotes were reinstated and I was given a wholesale pricing account.
By 5:00 pm I had a call from Mike, he had followed up by chasing the emails and investigating the problem within his organization. Getting to the bottom of the issue he plans to close the loophole that put me with the commissioned salesperson when I should have be sent to a re-sellers agent. Quote Merritt Mike
"I need all the facts and specs. So you can get a competitive quote
"Please email to me. Also no reason sales on our end should be quoting wholesale work without my .2cents
"I do apologize for any disconnect. Signs101 members are my thing so we can make sure we are all making$$$$. Ask anyone here that works with us.. We are your partners whom profit together.".
I hope this isn't too much information to throw out here but I wanted to get the end result out for all to see. Mike stands behind his pricing and his company and I believe him when he says he is in it as a partner, and we all make money.
Thanks Mike :U Rock: