I often suggest purchasing. New pump. Simple repair, back up and running in no time.You can just replace the silicone tubing inside the pump, not too hard (messy), dirt cheap and it's a good thing to do every few years. Just a peristaltic pump run by a stepper. Just unclamp the body, measure the silicone tubing, cut new bits, move the fittings, clamp the lines (zip ties work, but spring clamps are best), install the tubes, lubricate with a bit of silicone grease and reassemble.
at your leisure, REPAIR THE BAD PUMP, put it in the PARTS CLOSET OR CABINET
or START ONE, if you haven’t started collecting spares
the next time, in a oinch, you can sub that pump for one of the others & perhaps not have the choice of 1-1/2 down days, expensive overnight shipping and pissing away an expensive Ink cartridge