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Mirror Glass cutting vector shapes


Profane and profane accessories.
If you had the proper (i.e., glass cutting) attachment- assuming your table can use other tools besides the spindle for cutting- it's easily doable.


New Member
I thought real glass was better with water jet technology, but I'd love to hear more if there's tooling for a CNC to cut glass.


Premium Subscriber
Mirrored acrylic with a CNC or a laser would be my choice. I personally don't have a laser but I have been told that you need to be careful because the reflection can bounce the light back and cause some funky cuts.


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Mirrored acrylic with a CNC or a laser would be my choice. I personally don't have a laser but I have been told that you need to be careful because the reflection can bounce the light back and cause some funky cuts.
I've heard the same, just got a couple of scraps from a buddy to play with recently but haven't had time to do anything with them yet, I was kinda figuring on cutting it from the back so the bounce didn't screw up anything in the machine. At least that's my current thought process.

Andrew Heiner

New Member
Acrylic mirror cuts very easy on a router. Laser works great as well, just cut from back.
Real glass mirror scores easily with the correct attachment, but actually making the score run where you want takes trial and error. It's all about perfect pressure, also If you don't have a head that can align with the direction of the cut, this will be very difficult to get it to cut some shapes.