I've had issues with neutral tones printing red since getting this machine 2 years ago. Yesterday I installed Onyx and swapped blue and black heads and optimizer head. Worked great all day. Ran it for 6 hours straight. Last print was a grey tone that came out red / magenta.
Hit the swap heads button then hit cancel by mistake. Waited and swapped magenta and yellow heads. Printer did its thing then threw an alert that head alignment failed. I had to leave so I cleaned the heads and left.
What is going on????? Any ideas? IS running your machine all day bad? ITs in a small space with little ventilation. maybe it got too hot?
Hit the swap heads button then hit cancel by mistake. Waited and swapped magenta and yellow heads. Printer did its thing then threw an alert that head alignment failed. I had to leave so I cleaned the heads and left.
What is going on????? Any ideas? IS running your machine all day bad? ITs in a small space with little ventilation. maybe it got too hot?