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New Member
Hope she's OK this morning.
I never knew chocolate was bad for dogs (not that I ever fed it to them) until a few years ago when a woman on another forum almost lost her dog due to her eating some chocolate, I think it got into some Valentine's Day candy on the coffee table.
My sister had a big boxer named Gretchen who routinely sniffed out and ate only the best home made chocolate* when the family would go out on Friday nights.
The worst thing that happened to Gretchen was that my sister would holler at her and she'd tuck her butt down, with her little stub of a tail, and look deeply ashamed of herself.
*not the spring surprize a la MPFC.


New Member
i'm still up watching her. she sleeping so soundly it's almost worrying me... like she's in a little coco coma. is that possible? thought it was suppose to make them hyper.


New Member
There isn't much chocolate in 6 oz of peanut M&Ms. I'm guessing it's the coco and caffein that gives dogs trouble. There's even less of that in crappy chocolate like M&Ms would have. Hope your little dog's OK.


New Member
wasn't liking how drowsy she seemed, so i decided to do a little test. she's crazy about string cheese... she could be outside and hear the wrapper being opened inside behind closed doors.

so while she was sleeping on the couch i went to the fridge, and didn't even one get string cheese separated from the others and she was already at my feet doing a little happy cheese dance.

maybe she was just extra sleepy because it's 5 am and some crazy lady has been disturbing her sleep all night.

so... she fine and if i hurry... i can still get 2.5 hours of sleep!

good night and thanks for the advice, company and concern,
xoxo -gg

The Equipment Guy

New Member
We used to feed our dogs chocolate all the time...then milk started giving folks cancer and chocolate became bad for dogs, spanking your kids destroyed them for life...

Ok, I don't do the above except for drinking milk, but I have known many dog owners over my life time and even had some get into chocolate myself (Including chocolate covered doggy laxatives, but I am not sure if doggy "safe" chocolate in 2 litre jugs, eaten including the plastic jug is the same situation) but I do know, I have never heard anyone tell me, "my poor dog died of chocolate eating" or even had much bad experience however...

My back yard after the laxitives did suffer though...

Hope your little guy(s) feel ok.



New Member
I remember giving our dog chocolate, years ago before it became known or publicised that chocolate was indeed bad for them. Gigi were they the M&M's peanut or the chocolat ones?

On a similar note, my wife buys almonds and then she roasts them in the oven and I grab a handful to munch on whenever I pass the kitchen... Well good ol Toby sits there begging so I give her one to see if she likes them and she loves them. I figure, hey, they are good for us so why not a dog.
I toss her 4 or 5 each time I grab some over a 2 week period and then something weird happens to her, and she becomes listless and cant seem to climb the stairs well, or walk on leash at a normal pace. Coincidental? maybe, but I check on line and it is written that almonds contain traces of cyanide!!! Maybe I have been poisoning my dog?
Well she's off them now forever but still her climbing and walking suffer.. Could be a hip issue but it started to fast or maybe she tore a muscle or ligament.. who knows... all I do know is that the vet is going to rape me over this, that I am sure of.

John Butto

New Member
thin candy shell

Had a dog that use to steal and eat chocolate like yours and he lived to be 17 years old. But on the other hand, I did give a cat aspirin once when it was sick and almost killed it.

showcase 66

New Member
When I was around 5 years old. My parents had a poodle that loved m&m's. My parents had a candy dish they had on the coffee table and this dog would not eat out of the dish but would jump into the side of the table knocking m&m's out. These he would eat. Never had any trouble until he was 13 years old.


New Member
Wow, sorry I missed this one last night, I could have given you a comforting story. I've heard that it the dark chocolate, more like the stuff you would use in cooking, that is dangerous to dogs.
My dog Kirby, on separate occasions years ago, got into my daughter's Halloween stash and ate an entire 1 pound Hershey bar....Twice! Plus a plethora of other candy.

He never so much as burped or farted and seemed totally fine. I figured he'd at least get the runs or something nasty like that. He's only 27 lbs so not a big dog either.



Active Member
my dogs get into my chocolate stashes all the time! ....once eating what seemed to be one of their own body weight in chocolate! never anything worse than an afternoon cleaning up random spots of "chocolate" stains out of the carpet with Resolve. I don't think I've known anyone to lose their dog to chocolate poisoning.
I'm sure it can happen, but would have to be enough for them to drown in it.
(like how Farvah's character drowned in beer while trying to drink his way out in Beerfest!)


New Member
My great dane LOVES chocolate. We dont give it to him regularly, but will give him a little now and then. The vet said he would have to eat 10 lbs or more to make him sick. He's a 110 lb lap dog!!! I hope your little one is feeling okay!


New Member
I wouldn't panic.. my parents dog steals candy bars all the time. Can't get rid of the thing if they try.

My dog just eats his toys. It's fun to see all the colors he leaves in yard.


Active Member
My friend used to work for Cadburys, one day her dog got into a box of creme eggs she had in the closet, he ate like 18 of them, wrappers and all. He was fine, but it apparently wasn't fun cleaning liquid cr@p off the dogs fur for 3 days!!


For future reference.

If this ever happens again and it's involving an amount of chocolate that concerns you, pour hydrogen peroxide down the dog's throat. They will vomit. A lot.


New Member
good morning all...

last night was a tough... i'm usually a pretty cool cookie under stressful situations... but when i realized what had happened, i scooped ellie up and was looking at her cute little face, i really did worry i might lose her.

i did manage to pull myself together when it became obvious that even though she's little, she couldn't have gotten enough chocolate to kill her... but still... it was like a roller-coaster, thinking she was fine and then worried she wasn't.

i'm going to need all of your phone numbers so i can call you in the middle of the night just in case you forget your suppose to be here 24/7 for any question i might have. hehe

what a great place this is... even though it turned out not to be an emergency... coming here and finding a few S101 addicts was not only helpful, but a nice distraction.

it's great to hear your stories... from now on... check with me before you go to sleep... in case i need a someone to tell me a story.

you guys are great... love ya!


New Member
My Mom raised Basset Hounds when I was a kid, and we always had them in the house. And I don't know what it is about them, but they prefered Oreo cookies to scraps of meat...

Once when they were going out of town for the weekend to their fishing camp, they made a trip to the grocery store. They left the groceries on a low table in the back room, and their Basset, Peco, got into it, and ate a whole bag of semi sweet chocolate chips, then went after a bag of chocolate bark... needless to say, that dog got sick, and threw it up, but there was no harm done to him. And it never curbed his chocolate cravings...