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My Logo

John Butto

New Member
Just curious John B, do you host a television show in which you wear 2 different colored suspenders? :wink:
That is my close up of what I think KottwitzGraphics look like, and the only guy I know on TV with suspenders is that fat guy on Fox in the afternoon who sits around the table and talks politics.
Here are my latest attempts:


I can't decide if the logo needs anything around it like the top and bottom, or just by itself like in the middle. I think the logo gets lost in the bottom frame. The "sign & design" font is a period fire truck font as suggested. I'm happy with how these turned out though because I think they have that old school professional feel that I was trying to achieve. As usual, input and criticism is appreciated!


New Member
<--------- Not my picture... I hate having my picture taken ( I have the perfect face for radio ).... I did love the red green show.

As far as the logo, I personally don't like the hose font. I liked the previous one, but you never mix silver/gray with golds.

As far as the last ones, I'm not crazy about the waving text. I think it would work better without the distortion, and make the font bolder.


New Member
Middle with some twerking of the name Sellers. The others are too busy. K.I.S.S. principle should apply here.


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Middle with some twerking of the name Sellers. The others are too busy. K.I.S.S. principle should apply here.

I like what you did there, the arched text looks nice. I may have to draw one up like that. I put everyone's advice together and came up with attempt number... well I forgot what number I'm up to but here it is:


I'm leaning towards the middle one, but I can't decide what fill I want to go with. The look I had in mind was a gilded glass storefront but maybe that isn't the best option. I do a lot of engine turned work so should I go that route? Another question I had for all of you experts is should I make the "Sellers" and the "Sign & Design" two different colors or styles of fill to separate them? Or do you think the black fill in the panel breaks it up enough?

Edit: The bottom two are new, the top one is the same as before for comparison.